Best ground cover for sloping ground between raised beds
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ground cover for huge backyard steep slope
Comments (22)I have been doing a lot of research on plants that don't need a lot of water since we bought a 3 acre property in lake mathews, ca. Here's what I have so far...verbena rigida, creeping raspberry...both spread very fast and require little water. I will be buying these for our slopes. delosperma cooperi is similar to ice plant but very hardy and does not require as much water.... Ice plant requires a lot of water and its heavy. That is what we have currently and we will be replacing it with what I have written here. All our slopes have ice plant and we are trying to save water costs. So I will be adding those ground covers and adding water wise bushes and other plants. Snow in summer also sounds like a good plant to add. They say it spreads fast and it's very nice... I also want to add fremontodendron, it looks like a nice bush to add...since we have so much room... Any other ideas?...See MoreGround cover between flag stones
Comments (7)I have a flagstone walkway laid on sand, and have experimented with just about every groundcover offered. I've found woolly thyme is the most foolproof and vigorous of all the things I've tried. I think part of your problem is that the flagstones were set on mortar. With our hot summers, the groundcover needs to get it's roots underneath the cool rock to survive, and you've prevented that from being able to happen. With just the small crack to grow in, I think the plants are having a hard time. Dicondra would not be happy with that degree of reflected heat from the stones and would do poorly in the full sun areas. It might survive in part shade with copious amounts of water. It does get attacked by flea beetles here though, and rarely looks as nice as it does in the bay area....See MoreGround between raised wall and stone path?
Comments (4)Have you thought about Synthetic Grass? Just an option i used it and it worked out great for me. It drains great and looks perfect. Contact They will send you samples for free and you might be impressed. I used there Elite Fescue very thick and natural looking, also i looked at other compaines and they had the best price just FYI. Good Luck with it...See MoreSlope full of weeds, need fast growing ground cover/weed control
Comments (4)If you take a look at photos I have posted on Cottage Garden-gallery (see "Things are starting to fill in") you will understand that I know from what I speak (my whole garden is a slope). When we bought this property many years ago, it was covered with maple trees which provided slightly less than total darkness under which nothing would grow (except weeds). I tackled this mess one area at a time. As my knowlege grew--so did the number and size of the beds. Try to do only what you can reasonably do well at the moment. You will have the time, however limited , to monitor your beds and watch for problems, happy accidents (like a volunteer seedling having planted itself). You will also learn if the plant choices you have made like the home you have provided them. This alone could save you a lot of frustration, time and financial investment. Having tried landscape fabric-difficult to keep in place,mulch tends to slide off (particularly in a hard rain). I prefer to use the 'lasagna method'. Lay down 8 layers of wet newspaper overlapping edges so weeds can't find a way through and cover with several inches of mulch (I find shredded bark works best because it will knit together and prevent sliding. Many local landfills provide this to the community at little to no cost.). Leave to overwinter. This method will not only help to control the weed problem, but will also add beneficial elements to the quality of the clay soil. Ask your friends and relatives if they would help you by saving their old newspapers for you (you will need quite a bit). I don't know the ages of your little ones, but if they are anything like my two kids were at toddler stage and up, there is nothing they would like more than helping mom and dad. Especially if it involves the opportunity to "play" in the water and get soaking wet outside. You could try this project on a hot summer day In the spring you can plant. What plants will depend on your light conditions. I hope this is helpful....See MoreRelated Professionals
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