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making a photo attempt- help for the dimwitted

11 months ago

So, I have, at least, managed to log into Houzz using my phone but, unlike now, on my PC, there doesn't seem to be any icons for uploading a photo unless I jumped on the end of someone else's post...which, apols, I have done. Can anyone take it from here for the unbelievably incompetent phone user (I have only just taken possession of a smartphone, at the behest of the offspring and I am terminally confused...not least because everything is so tiny. Teeny little keyboard, absolutely minuscule photo thumbnails (I have no idea what photo I am posting - it is just luck)...basically, I am an utter novice, easily frightened. It's not even like my garden is anything to boast about (although in parts, some of it and the allotment, is's just the overall mess which doesn't bear scrutiny. But nonetheless, I do want to jpoin in on the photo thing, plus there are things I want to ask about...

I can't get pics from my phone to my PC (it is a chromebook, advertised as being for simpletons, but is nowhere as familiar as my old PC cos it has no real hard-drive memory (it's all in the 'cloud' (FFS)

I hate digital tech...I can do mechanics and even electronics but computers have defeated me...

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