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Termocrisa cups

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

Picked them up on my daily walk from a pile of crockery chucked on the roadside.

Actually I was after some saucers, but needed cups as well. Once I cleaned up the lot I noticed the cups were translucent so checked the manufacturer's name and lo and behold my cups are on Etsy!

All I have is 2 cups. No matching saucers, but who cares :) Gonna use them daily and love them to bits literally speaking.

Comments (18)

  • 2 years ago

    Nice find! Please keep looking for the saucers, quite pretty.

    Your walks are more interesting than DH's. He takes a reach/picker-upper and a bag and brings back cans and fast food wrappers for the garbage can ;)

    wintercat_gw thanked morz8 - Washington Coast
  • 2 years ago

    Very pretty, Wintercat. I especially like the pattern on the saucer. Can you tell me what it is? I wish my walk were that productive.

    Annie, this kinda makes one wonder if they are that messy at home, or if they just don't care elsewhere. I have friends who own AirB&Bs and they can tell you horror stories of what people do and leave behind.

    wintercat_gw thanked CA Kate z9
  • 2 years ago

    Kate, I don't know why people are like that. We have a group of local riders who do several "volunteer" clean ups on the trails every year because they use the trails and feel that they should be "paying their dues". So, although I could be wrong, it seems like the locals are picking up, probably because it's OUR backyard, while the users from other places just toss stuff around because they don't live here and don't have to see it all the time.

    I can only hope that I'm wrong, and that they are just messy people no matter where they are.


  • 2 years ago

    What a find! i pick up litter, where it's safe to do so, but I wouldn't have the courage to go through random detritus, even with the possibility of such rewards. Congratulations!

    wintercat_gw thanked plllog
  • 2 years ago

    That’s a dear little cup! Not many people use cups here as the preference is for mugs, though oddly every inexpensive dinner set contains cups and saucers.

    I had a friend once who told me that she was regularly visited by a couple she and her husband knew. My friend would offer them both tea, which the wife always declined, though she would then drink from her husband’s mug. Finally one day, as she was leaving the room my friend overheard the wife say to her husband, ”I wish she’d offer the tea in cups.” My friend was quite exasperated, saying to me, ”She only had to ask! I have a whole cupboard full of cups!”

    Annie, that’s appalling that people are so disrespectful of other people’s towns to leave their trash everywhere. It would never occur to me to do that. While my own home will never win a ”Good Housekeeping” Award, when we stay in hotels or holiday homes, we are always respectful of other people’s belongings and are tidy. We’ve stayed in a couple of dozen AirBnbs over the years and have a perfect rating from our landlords, who all say we were great guests and they’d have us back without hesitation. This is important to us.

    wintercat_gw thanked colleenoz
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    As I understand it, mugs became more popular because they're better insulated. Tea used to be a social ritual, when people sat together and savored it. Small cups come from the origins of tea in China. Wider, dished cups of delicate porcelain helped cool the tea to drinkable temperature. There's also the tradition in some places of pouring some tea into the saucer, then back into the cup to cool it. Coffee cups are a bit bigger, and sometimes less dished, and less designed for cooling. As both became more about caffeine and heat, and less about elegance and social standing, mugs became more popular. They're warmer and don't require you to repeat the fiddling you'd do with refills. Some dinnerware sets have ”mugs” which fit on the saucers, and are the same shape and decor as the (not really dished, mostly vertical) cups, but twice as tall. The narrower surface keeps the drink warmer, with the larger portion. My father liked a really big, heavy mug for either coffee or tea. I used to find them for him at the Japanese dime store.

    The translucence is really beautiful, and never to be found in a honkin' big mug.

  • 2 years ago

    Kate, I liked the saucer best as well. Extracted three of them from the pile. What's printed on the underside is SIRAB TANGSHAN VE China

    A quick google yielded some references to Tangshan crockery, but it's bone china and these saucers aren't. They're pretty heavy and solid. Here's a closeup of the pattern:

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    On my daily walk this morning my now-practiced eye detected a Termocrisa plate as I went past the crockery pile:

    Yes! Filthy as hell following torrential rains we've had recently.

    So on the way back home I salvaged another six pieces, all plates.

    Conclusion: Go through random detritus by the roadside and ye shall be rewarded with Etsy-grade crockery :)

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Wow, again! Is this crockery pile an ongoing place where people bring their unloved dishes? I've been trying to think why I wouldn't pick them up, and all that comes to mind is, when I was quite small, my mother told me regularly not to eat certain poisonous bushes that grew near our house. Not that I ever thought of eating random bushes! Congratulations, again!

  • 2 years ago

    “The translucence is really beautiful, and never to be found in a honkin' big mug.” You can get porcelain mugs. We use them.

  • 2 years ago

    Yes, of course, but ”honkin’ big” aren't translucent.

  • 2 years ago

    Wow!, Wintercat, how lucky to have found those.

    And, thank you for copying the bottom of the saucer.

  • 2 years ago

    Colleen, this isn't a building or home, it's the "great outdoors". They ride all about on horseback and just toss the wrappers from their granola bars or their water bottles down whenever they are done with them, and those of us who live here pick it up. They COULD stick their garbage in the saddlebags or something and take it back to the horse camps, where there are garbage dumpsters, but they just don't. Then, when the locals want to use the trails, they have to avoid the garbage or pick it up. It's rude, self important and disgusting. People seem to think that because it's public property, they can make as big a mess as they like.


  • 2 years ago

    Kate, you're most welcome!

    Plllog, it's not an ongoing dumping site, but a one-time dump. I don't know how long it's been there. A couple months maybe? I became aware of it after failing to find cups and saucers to my liking in several stores, and boy do I hate shopping, especially in malls.

    I find it's very salubrious every now and them to do something undignified like, for instance, crouching by the roadside to pick up discarded crockery. I easily imagine what other people might think and find it hilarious, plus it keeps me from taking myself too seriously :)

  • 2 years ago

    They cleaned up well! I think most people would not want to know the plates etc were ever that filthy! I know people that cringe when I tell them I let my dog lick the plate and say they would never allow an animal to eat off of a plate that was for people. They think it's so gross...HAHAHA! That's what the dishwasher is for!

    wintercat_gw thanked arkansas girl
  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I hosed them down on the lawn, scrapping off the dirt. Then wiped them dry with paper towels, sprayed them with undiluted bleach and left them in the sink for half an hour. Then I rinsed them with scalding hot water and gave them a good soaping (Fairy) before rinsing them with more scalding water.

    I wish crockery and cutlery at restaurants were cleaned that thoroughly. Just think of the countless people who used restaurant crockery and cutlery before you did, and you don't have any control over how it gets cleaned.

    I, too, let my cats eat off my plate. We all like it.

  • 2 years ago

    ak girl (and wintercat), my dog gets my plate when I am done regularly, for "pre-rinse", LOL. I do make sure I put it in the dishwasher after, so it gets properly santized, LOL.

    My cat would never consider eating off a human's plate, ewww, human germs! (grin)

    Nice find, wintercat. We throw away far too much, and tend to buy too much cheap junk, as a society we have a problem with feeling things are disposable. Of course, my kids laugh at me when I tell them as long as something works, it stays, I'll replace things only when they break. Many of my dishes, pans, casseroles, etc., came from our local on line auction or were purchased used. They get well sanitized and used some more. A large number of my canning jars came from neighbors, friends, my grandmother and/or the online auction. I use a lot of old Wexford glass, I bought a huge tote full for $5 and if I break one I trot out to the pole barn and get another one. That tote full will last me my entire life, I think, and I'll take the $20 or so for four new glasses and take the grandkids to the museum or the reindeer farm or something!


    wintercat_gw thanked annie1992
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