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JBN Builders, LLC Review

last year

I was so eager to start my basement project a yr ago
We hired Brian from JBN builders . He was hired in February to start work . He kept saying two weeks he eventually started in June. He was given a laundry room to construct upstairs on the second floor and finish the basement . He took money when signing contract then he took money halfway after starting the laundry room which he never finished. He also ruined the existing crown moulding and paint on the ceiling .He kept saying when I do the drywall and paint in the basement I will finish upstairs but the question always was When will that stage come?
It never did by August end he had only done framing and barely any plumbing or electrical which when we hired a new contractor are only finding out how messed up it was. He took money for plumbing and electrical didn't finish anything.
He lied about getting a permit we had call the village ourselves to put a stop order on our own work so that he gets a permit.
We were so busy living our life it is our fault we let a lot of things pass.
Lesson learnt . But for the sake of your hard earned money and your time do not hire this clearly in competent person . All he knows is lies and lies and completely unscrupulous.
We never saw a "team" it was him alone working most of the time with his son or 80 yr old Father in law.
He told me he had 14 projects going when I fired him
We consider ourselves lucky to get rid of him when we did.
He would have messed up our basement for good.
He knows nothing about finishes , his photos are probably not his own . I wouldn't even believe it if he told me he has ever done any finishing. This guy loves making shortcuts. You cannot trust his work ,if he works.

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