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Zone 5b (Maine) Hardy Romantic Roses

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

Planning out my rose order for next year, does anyone have experience with these roses or have similar suggestions to add to a romantic mixed border? (full sun)

Looking for fragrance, ideally fruity/citrus, and health (canes have good cold hardiness, good resistance to blackspot - my DAs almost completely defoliated so not very attractive for my front bed, will try neem in spring next year, but ideally something more resistant) ...I have room for 3, max 4, in this location:

Winter Sunset

Moonlight Romantica

Abbaye de Cluny

America (would this go along a fence?)

Lady of the Mist

Golden Celebration (on the fence due to my other DA performance against black spot)

Forever Amber

Fun in the Sun

Also on this list is Tamora (DA but not currently available) The one I had got killed by a contractor but I'm willing to give it another go, it's one of my favorites. If I can't find it I'll fallback to one of the ones above.

Roses nearby:


Sweet Madamoiselle

Ghislaine de feligonde (trained on fence)

Crown Princess Margareta (trained on mailbox)

And thinking of Sonnenwelt for another area by the house if I can get it


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