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Panic Attack, Grief? (long)

last year

I have never had a panic attack before and not sure if this is what I am experiencing now or maybe it is still shock.

My brother passed away unexpectedly October 27, six days after having surgery out of town in the hospital in London, Ontario to detach a fistula that attached itself to the carotid artery in his head. He was looking forward to having this done so it wouldn't cause him to have a major stroke. He was told it wasn't a dangerous surgery and he would be back in his room after the surgery.

A few months ago after having knee surgery he suffered a stroke that affected his left hand and he was in rehab to fix it. He was sent to London for tests where they found the fistula and told him he needed to have surgery. He was sent back to rehab then home until his surgery date.

On the 21st he had the surgery. I messaged him later that night to ask him how he was doing but didn't hear back so I figured he was still out of it. Same the next day. I finally called my niece and asked her how her Dad was doing and she told me he was in Intensive Care because he was having mild seizures and he was not responding to the nurses and they told my niece the Doctor would call her to explain what was going on with Paul. 3 days later we still didn't know what was going on, the Doctor never called Laura. It was worrying so I told her she had to demand answers since we were out of town and needed to know. She finally called to lodge a complaint with the Physician's Board and finally the Doctor who did the surgery called her. He said he thought the ICU Doctor would have called. It sure was an anxious time for us.

The Doctor said the surgery went well but they didn't know why Paul was having seizures so they were waiting for him to get an MRI. When they turned Paul onto his back he started snoring so they hooked him up to a breathing machine to help him breath if he needed the help but he was breathing on his own.

The next day Laura and her boyfriend drove up to London, 3 hours away to see her Dad in the ICU. Then the nurses said she should just go back home until after the MRI. Later that afternoon she called crying telling me her Dad had the MRI and it wasn't good news. The Doctor told her Paul had suffered a blood clot and most likely would have a disability, they could do surgery to open his skull to relieve the pressure but the outcome still would not be good and he needed to know if she wanted to have the surgery done. She couldn't make that decision on her own so she asked me what to do. I suggested she ask a lot of questions to get answers from the Doctor. How severe would the disability be, would Paul have quality of life. etc. Later that evening around 10:30 pm we had a conference call with Paul's panel of Doctors. I got all the answers to the questions I needed to know. The Doctor said Paul suffered a Venous Thrombosis, they could do the surgery to relieve the pressure in his brain but the blood would have no where to go and would build up and he would suffer a major stroke and most likely would end up in a high care nursing home with a feeding and breathing tube and no quality of life. The Doctor said Paul had the type of blood that formed clots which is why he had the mild strokes especially after his knee surgery. He said you know your brother, what would he want and I know Paul wouldn't want that so I said to Laura not to do the surgery and let nature take its course. Hardest thing I have had to do in my life is to help make a decision to end someone's life.

Laura and her boyfriend drove back up to London at Midnight m so she could be with her Dad until he passed away. I am so glad she had her partner with her because he was like a son to my Dad and was there for Laura. He did most of the talking to the Doctors. Laura spend the time telling her Dad about all the people who loved him and who was waiting for him when he left. I was up all night talking to her and Paul's best friend through Messenger. TLaura agreed to donate Paul's organs and were waiting for Trillium to show up but Laura didn't know at the time that they would have to take Paul away while he was still alive and she couldn't do that because she wanted to be with him while he passed. He passed at 5 am in the morning.

It was just so shocking to me to lose my brother. Now I have lost 3 siblings out of the 7 of us. I have 3 older brothers left. In my whole life I never told my brother I loved him but the week before he went in for surgery I told him I loved him. I just had a feeling something was going to go wrong. I feel sad for Paul's daughters. He was living with Laura and she was very close to her Dad, took care of him, made him eat healthily so he lost lots of weight. Their Mother had passed away when they were quite young and while Paul was working I took care of them the same time I was taking care of my Mom.

Arrangements were made for Paul to be cremated here but so far we don't know if he has been yet and why is there a delay. Laura doesn't want to know so she isn't asking. She did call me and told me she was having a small urn for me. Paul used to tease me about being a "body collector" haha. I have my Mom's and my sister's urns, 2 of my dogs ashes and multiple pets buried in the back yard, some of them Paul's. He once told Laura he said after I die just put me on Auntie Anne's mantle. He wanted to haunt me with spiders. Laura and I have been having a good laugh about that because a few days after Paul died I woke up with a huge outdoor type dead spider in my bed. Laura said, that was her Dad who left the spider. She felt comfort thinking that he was around because they used to laugh and talk about Paul haunting us. Paul was really into watching paranormal investigations and the Medium Tyler which I never knew he would watch in a million years. It is good for Laura to laugh and find some humour because she has a tendency to suffer depression and anxiety and I don't want her to go there.

My brother was a wonderful nature photographer, mostly birds, eagles, swans. He posted his pictures on his FB page He had recently retired so was looking forward to spending a lot more time taking pictures at all marshes, lake and rivers. He would go out everyday before his stroke. The day after Paul passed the Trillium called and asked if they could take his corneas as they had someone who needed them immediately and Laura agreed to that. Hopefully this person who gets them sees the beauty in nature that Paul did.

So after this long post, any time I think of Paul I get this horrible feeling in my chest like my heart is going to jump out and I feel tightness everywhere in my body and in my head. I feel the adrenalin. I just can't get over the shock of him not being here. I don't know if it is panic attack or not. I don't like the feeling. It is not just grief, I know what that is but then maybe it is. I have never felt this way after someone close to me has passed away. Thanks for listening.

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