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Carpet on stairs vs hardwood

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

We are having our hardwood floors on our first floor and the stair treads refinished this week. We have L-shaped stairs. Currently the top portion of the stairs has plush carpet that is the same as the carpet on our second story. All the carpets will be getting replaced.
The bottom portion of the stairs had a runner that was the same plush carpet - which was removed so the painter could paint.
Under the carpet on the second section of stairs there is hardwood. The question is whether it is worth ripping out the carpet and refinishing hardwood on the second section of stairs to match the bottom section of stairs. This will require additional work for us since we did not have the painter paint the risers, etc under that carpet when he was here a few weeks ago. (everything was the color of our current hardwood floors).
My husband prefers to not add additional work and to keep it as it currently is - which means that the top portion of stairs would have the same carpet as our 2nd story (again which will be replaced soon). Looking for opinions on whether it is worth the extra work to have the top portion of stairs match the bottom. This would also allow us to have a different type of carpet on the stairs than we have on our second story

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