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Limelight Hydrangea Mystery

last year

Several years ago we planted about 14 limelight hydrangea bushes on our south side fence to attempt to create a privacy screen. After several summers, we have noticed a divergence in how well the bushes are doing depending on where they were planted (see pictures below.)

For the bushes closer to our house, they have done well but as the bushes go farther away down the fence line near a large maple tree, their growth has been significantly stunted. Last summer, we started to majorly notice the difference between the plants and cut away some branches of the maple to see if they were getting less light and that clearing the coverage could possibly help.

Any input on other factors that may be impacting the growth between two sets of bushes would be appreciated. Is there anything we can do to try to help the slow growers get caught up (like fertilizer)? Should we be testing the soil between the two to see if there is an issue with the soil specifically in that area? We are in a 4b heartiness zone.

Thanks in advance for your input!

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