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Nova Zembla Rhodo in front of a Camellia

I have a part shade garden that I'm rebuilding.

I bought a Camellia today, which says a mature size of 8' tall, 5' wide. I don't remember the variety, but I can find out tomorrow if you care.

In September 2020 I planted a Nova Zembla Rhodo (which is supposedly a mature size of 5' x 5') at the end of my driveway, in what I thought was part shade but maybe it's full shade? It's really not grown at all! And no blooms or anything. It's still alive, but after almost 2 years I thought it'd be a LITTLE bigger!

I'm thinking about planting the Camellia in the back of the garden, then the Nova Zembla about 6-7' in front-and-to-the-side of it so that they'll overlap a little in a few years. I can't go much farther away that that, or the rhodo would extend in to the paved walkway :-O

Other companions would be hydrangeas, hostas, coral bells, and ferns.


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