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White and near-white roses shine this year

This past week, the white rose varieties dominated the scene in my garden (and the neighborhood -- I can attest, from my daily walks, that those typical, go-to varieties for commercial landscapers, 'Iceberg' and 'White Meidiland', are having a stellar years out there, too!). For whatever reason (maybe that huge deluge of rain in December...), they are far more floriferous this year than last, for sure.

'Le Pactole' -- can't be beat for health, repeat, and vigor:

'Alister Stella Gray'. This is the well-behaved, moderately climbing clone ex Vintage, which really is that -- has stayed at roughly 8' tall and around 10' wide for about two decades now.

With 'Niles Cochet', from another angle (that's a bit of "Phil Edinger's Noisette" at the far right, which is very similar to 'Alister Stella Gray', but is not it):

"Darlow's Enigma" (top and, really, just getting started -- a zillion buds there) and "Secret Garden Musk Climber" (below), in the front garden, with "Grandmother's Hat" off to the left. How bad the soil and general conditions are here is difficult to describe, but there they are. "Darlow's Enigma", in particular, is a phenomenon -- huge, healthy, long blooming period (but not much repeat), dazzling array of hips all winter, near-zero care, totally loved by bees.

Not quite white, but included as a testament to toughness: how 'Lyda Rose' responds after the 6' x6' shrub was cut to 1' to accommodate tenting for drywood termites and then having to be inside the tent and fumigated. (Several other roses suffered the same fate, because of being under a pergola attached to the house, though not needing to be cut back so severely, but fortunately only a 10' x8' plant of 'Narrow Water' suffered obvious adverse effects and even it is coming back well, from the base.)

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