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Am I freaking out? FLEAS

Karebear Briscoe
2 years ago

So I bought a house and am renting a room out to a roommate/tenant. He has an indoor/outdoor cat and he asked if he could come along and I said yes. I never had any pets before so I didn’t know potential problems. While I’m renting the room out I am also renovating the home. Went from carpet to hardwood floor everywhere. Brought in new furniture,Brand new beds, I painted all walls and replace kitchen cabinets. During this process the cat was in my garage ( garage was never opened, once my roommate moved in his cat was an indoor only cat). So now renovations are done and the cat is allowed inside. I asked my roomie “why do you have that flimsy looking white collar on your cat?” and he says “oh, he had fleas once.” So I started to worry ALOT and noticed the cat scratching and I saw 1 flea ONCE then 3-4 months later I saw another. During all those month the cat was on a topical flea treatment just in case. I would also check for fleas with a comb and no flea dirt. As I am cleaning my garage today I saw one flea. I vacuum
And mop weekly and wash bedding and clothes weekly. The cat has been on this flea treatment for 8 months total which is roughly how long he has been inside my house. Do I have some infestation?? I don’t see flea dirt, there is no flea dirt on the cat, I saw a flea in my garage, the cat is itching a lot, the cat is on a flea prevention ( has been for the past 8 months with no pauses), and several months ago I bought some flea spray from Walmart and used it everywhere in my house technically I’m still under that protection. To my understanding fleas can bite humans but cannot live off of it so could getting rid of the cat eventually sold my problem? HELP!

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