Show Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - April 2022
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- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years ago
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Show Us Your Landscape/Gardens - A Photo Thread - April 2021
Comments (60)Defrost - It’s really a shame that life has to get in the way of our gardening. [g] Last year, we changed our mowing habits a little. We started mowing higher on the first cut of the season and staying higher. Normally we’d cut as low as possible in both early spring and fall and not start keeping it long until it gets hot. I thought it made sense to follow that recommendations because the taller grass shades out some of the weeds. I thought it looked better last year. Don’t get me wrong - we leave a lot of ‘weeds’ growing in the lawn and do not use commercial lawn products at all. We have clover, violets and dandelions and a few others. We use all the grass for mulch mixed with fall leaves when we have them and mulch the vegetable garden. I’m always afraid to delay cutting the dandelions because they go to seed so quickly and I don’t notice and then miss my chance before the seeds are flying all over the yard. I am happy to have some dandelion but I don’t want to keep increasing them. [g] I’m doing the same thing with my Blue Holly. It needs a hard pruning but it’s full of flower buds that the bees just love and I’m waiting until that is done to prune it. Dunbarton for a daffodil display - that sounds nice. I’ve always wanted to go to Daffodil Week on Nantucket but have never made it. Too busy using every weekend to get the garden ready every year. That’s a nice idea for a community to focus on adding daffodils. I don’t know of another place, sorry. I don’t have the fiddlehead ferns either. I wonder if New England Wildflower Society has them?...See MoreShow Us Your Landscape and Gardens - A Photo Thread - February 2022
Comments (18)Babs your sunrises and sunsets are just lovely! Today I was returning from the gym early this morning and suddenly realized as I pulled in the driveway that it was somewhat light out! Yay! I've definitely been noticing it in the evening but not so much in the morning, so that was a nice revelation (even though I did have to scrape my windshield this morning). The photos of the stream are very interesting. Does this flooding happen often (like, every year?) I maintain a garden for a customer and she has a creek at the back of her property. One year we had a lot of rain, and then a big storm, and SEVEN trees along the creek bank just toppled over. The ground was just too wet. So that was one of the things I thought of when I saw those trees of yours in the standing water. Weather here has been bizarre. Went to work Saturday, it was partly sunny, supposed to be that way all day with temps in the high 30s. Around noon it was snowing unexpectedly. Rather heavily, but not much sticking. By 2 or 3 the sun was out. I drove home at 3, had a quick bite to eat, and was putting on my coat to run out to my daughters. Noticed it was snowing a bit. A BIT. In about three minutes we had a white out. I could not see the front of my yard, the street, the neighbor's house. It was insane. We got about 3/4 inch of snow in about ten minutes. And then the sun came back out lol. The snow stuck around on the ground for a few days though! And tomorrow? 60 degrees. Then snow. Crazy! :) Dee...See MoreShow Us Your Landscape and Gardens - A Photo Thread - March 2022
Comments (25)A little chilly and very overcast out there this morning, but my DH assured me yesterday we were due for some sun today. Looking at the forecast, for sure, by 11am sun is out, clouds are gone and stay that way the rest of the afternoon. BUT - looks like we are in for about 5 days of cloudy after that with some rain coming in Tuesday night into Wednesday. So, guess if I need to move anything, this is the time to do it. We could use a little rain too. I haven't even ventured out there to see the impact of the cold snap. Soon as it warms up a little we're outside for a change. Pruning roses today - but we're taking our time with the clean up. Trying to recover from a tough week. I don't know, what do people do who don't have gardens to help with recovery? [g] Babs, family disruptions, hoping they are behind you and you are able to enjoy the garden season. I'm hoping we can do the same. We'll see. Cold snap killing early plants and bulbs....well. I'm going to take a good look around out there today and see what suffered and what came through with flying colors. From my window I can see a patch of snowdrops still blooming that don't seem to have skipped a beat. So more of those in the fall if I can manage it. Scilla seems to usually do really well and boy does it reseed and spread. And no critters seem to bother either of those. When I looked out the door the day after the coldest morning, the Hellebore I could see was all bent over to the ground, but I see it seems to have come back up. Happy Spring - enjoy the weekend!!...See MoreShow Us Your Landscape and Gardens - A Photo Thread - August 2022
Comments (34)Babs, I think you are right - they should be all set now if we don't have a heat wave and drought the rest of the Fall. [g] No, I never get concerned when they report possible flooding because we don't seem to be in an area that gets that. I've lived here for 30+ years and never saw water even collect in the street. I'm very thankful about that. I did see a weather report warning of flash flooding yesterday, but I never pay attention to that. There is a community about 4 exits down the highway from here that gets their downtown flooded pretty frequently in a heavy rain, because they are in a low lying area. But as far as a river overflowing it's banks 2 towns north of us there is a river that overflows it's banks and floods neighborhoods, so I hope they haven't had that problem. We'll have to see what the news has to say by the time all the rain stops. And in NH they have that issue in neighborhoods along the main river that runs through the state. We have family that just moved to NH, but thankfully, not along the banks of that river and they are on a lot that is the high point of the neighborhood, so that works out very well. How about where you are - anyone here that is affected by flash flooding?...See MoreRelated Professionals
New Bedford Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers · Grand Haven Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers · Avocado Heights Landscape Contractors · Bethel Park Landscape Contractors · Pompton Lakes Landscape Contractors · Wallingford Landscape Contractors · Greenfield Landscape Contractors · Baileys Crossroads Landscape Contractors · Bowie Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures · Carmel Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures · Green Bay Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures · Kissimmee Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures · Montgomery County Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures · San Diego Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures · Westminster Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years ago
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years ago
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years ago
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked prairiemoon2 z6b MA
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years ago
- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years agoNHBabs z4b-5a NH thanked diggerdee zone 6 CT
- 2 years ago
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