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Combining Heat Pump and Hydronic radiant

Hello All,

Building a new duplex home, Step code 4 (nearly passive)

Never done this before - need advice..... help!!!

Want to "evolve" away from forced air in the hope to to avoid / minimise long duct runs and ugly bulkheads. Want to add Solar energy as well.

Thinking of hydronic radiant for heating and Heat pump with ductless air handlers for cooling and cleaning the air. The concrete used for hydronic will help reduce noise transfer and help retain heat due to high thermal mass.

Q1: If heat pumps heat and cool, do we need hydronic?

Q2: If we go for hydronic radiant heat then does it make economic and thermal mass sense to add a little more concrete on top and polish the concrete as a floor surface instead of engineered hardwood flooring?

What else could we do?

Many thanks!

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