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Arthurium Leaves turning Yellow, need help please

2 years ago

A couple of weeks after our move I noticed several leaves of our pink Arthurium plant are turning yellow. Searching online gave several options: overwatering, too much light, not enough nutrients, low humidity. I want to do the right thing, but don't know which ?

a) Due to moving ? We moved on a snowy day, that could have impacted it, although all our houseplants were carefully packed into my SUV and then placed into the new house. Still, some of the buds of the Christmas cacti fell off before opening up, and some of their branches look tired.....

2) lack of nutrients ? There are now two plants in the same pot, I should have divided them but postponed it too next spring. I also know I did not feed any of our plants for at least 6 weeks, too much going on, and also I thought plants don't mind a break during the winter. And since the Arthurium is now blooming, I had read somewhere not to feed during blooming periods.

3) location? In the old house it was in an east facing window, now it is in a South facing window ( the other option here would be North facing, but that room is on the cool side...). Since its winter here now I thought it would get more light from the S facing window, was planning to keep it in the N facing room in the summer months...

In spite of it blooming now , my temptation is to water and give it the same plant food it used to get, which is what I also give to the orchids.

Aside from owning this plant for over two years and not having had any issues with it so far, I have really no experience with this type of plant.

Would love some input! Thanks!

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