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Not feeling great

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

I did not have the best week.

I went to the on site nurse at my employer to have some blood drawn/weight and measurements taken, BP check for the wellness program. I asked her to look at last years information and tell me the difference in my weight. It was.....a the wrong direction.

I also asked her for recommendations for a PC doc, as I do not have one and feel that its important to go ahead and start seeing one. I checked the website of the doctor she recommended and she sees and immediately saw that she pushes supplements and diet shakes, all of which she sells in her practice of course, for convenience. So she a no. I called 5 other practices and they are not taking new patients. So I guess Ill just count on luck for my health for the rest of my life.

Then, I fell out of bed and hurt my hip and shoulder because I had a VERY vivid dream. In my dream, I was working somewhere, I do not know where, I didn't recognize the location. Anyway, I had put up my decorations for Halloween, and this one woman kept moving things. I warned her 3 times not to touch my stuff. In the dream, I came in after the third warning and she had, once again, moved things around. When I confronted her, she said something along the lines of '"we all work here and feel like I should have a say in where the decorations go." So then I proceeded to beat the tar out of her. My SO says he tried to keep me from falling out of bed but I was thrashing around so violently that he couldn't. He also said that before I started with the thrashing, I yelled something like "NO NO NO (b word) TAKE WHAT YOU ASKED FOR!!!" So now my hip and shoulder hurts and I probably got fired in dreamland even though it was dream womans fault. I WARNED HER 3 TIMES!!!!! Good thing I have better composure when I am fully conscience, a couple of my real life coworkers have pushed me to the edge quite a few times by now.....

Also this week, I spent 500 dollars at the vet on tests and whatever else because Leo has been randomly vomiting. He acts fine, still eating and drinking and playing. But he will throw up all his dog food HOURS after eating. But not every day. Sometimes, he will go 2 or 4 days just fine, then throw up 4 times in a day. So, 500 dollars later and I have no answers. They found nothing and recommended nothing.

And George, Duke of Orange is mad at me and doesn't like me anymore because he came down with severe conjunctivitis possibly from feline herpes, and objects to the ointment I had to squirt in his eye twice a day. He is coming around slowly since the ointment stopped, but I still feel bad about it. I could not have been pleasant for him.

All this in the middle of summer, the hottest, most suffocating, most unpleasant season ever. I fell like I am STICKY 24 hours a day, and all I want is decent weather, fall and winter holidays, to lose all my extra weight, healthy pets, a good PC doctor, and cooperative coworkers, both in real life and dreamland. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?!?

I know that all these problems are small and petty. And I remind myself to be grateful that these are the extent of my problems at this point. I have so much to be grateful for and happy about, and so many people are actually struggling, not just annoyed as I am. I am just not feeling it this week.

Thanks for letting me rant.

Comments (34)

  • glenda smith
    2 years ago

    My thoughts and prayers are with you


    amylou321 thanked glenda smith
  • blfenton
    2 years ago

    Oh my goodness. Sometimes life just sucks. But something will get better and then you'll feel better. I really believe this.

    amylou321 thanked blfenton
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  • satine100
    2 years ago

    Vent away Amy, Sometimes all you need to do is verbalize it and you feel better. I also have vivid dreams and they seem so real. Scary isn't it

    amylou321 thanked satine100
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Yes, everyone should have and know a primary care provider - before they need them.

    Suggest calling your nearest, or preferred, hospital, ask for their "physician referral service," and request the name of 3 "internal medicine" physicians - who are taking new patients.

    amylou321 thanked MDLN
  • morz8 - Washington Coast
    2 years ago

    Oh, Amy. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I fell last week too, I think for the first time in about 30 years when I fell off a dock into a boat. This time I got distracted by a woody weed, reached out and gave it a yank, tipped over and bloodied my shin. I never ever fall.

    I hope you can find a reasonably acceptable PC or PA. Small community, and I'm having a problem coming up with one too. I have specialists, but no PC in many years and I know I'm pushing my luck. Word of mouth, I called a general practitioners office last month to see if 2 doctors, 2 PAs were seeing new patients. They were not if on Medicare and supplement and I am. That had NEVER happened anywhere before. I did meet with a PA in a different clinic for a meet and greet and felt no connection or confidence in him.

    Are vets in short supply in your area too. Any vet schools at a college not too distant. If you ever follow any cams, there is a pup there with megaesophagus being treated just now. What you wrote kind of made me go, Hmmmmmm, but hardly any kind of knowledge to be advising you. Have you spoken to the breeder to know if anything similar has happened in a litter?


    amylou321 thanked morz8 - Washington Coast
  • lucillle
    2 years ago


    I hope for you, a better tomorrow. Sending heartfelt thoughts and prayers.

    amylou321 thanked lucillle
  • foodonastump
    2 years ago

    Amylou, I can sympathize with that vet bill. I finally found an affordable vet but that didn’t help when we were out of town and my dog got a mix of constipation and diarhea a couple weeks back. $586 later he was sent home with antibiotics for an undiagnosed condition and me with a guilt trip for not having spent an additional $300 for xrays. He’s better now.

    As for your doctor, please excuse me for making assumptions but it’s sounding like you don’t go to one for your girl parts, either. If I’m correct, please please please don’t put that off. I won’t go into details because this is about you not me but suffice it to say my wife is going in for surgery AGAIN on Friday to deal with complications from what was diagnosed three years ago, would have been a simple procedure if caught early but she didn’t get around to going to the doctor for like a decade.

    Weight gain, HBP, I can sympathize with all that, too. Fortunately I’m not having nightmares though.

    Good luck with everything!

    amylou321 thanked foodonastump
  • Rusty
    2 years ago

    Oh Amy! No! No! NO! Do NOT count on luck for your health from now on! Take a deep breath and step back from this past week for a bit. When things are 'back to normal', and you feel a little calmer, put your 'take charge' armor on and tackle this primary care physician problem. The pandemic is causing a health care crisis, so it may take some time and determination, but it needs to be done. (((((Amy)))))

    Do you suppose Leo is getting hold of something to chew on that is upsetting his stomach?

    The suggestion above, to call a breeder is a good one, I would suggest calling the breeder you got Leo from.


    amylou321 thanked Rusty
  • kathyg_in_mi
    2 years ago

    Find a PC or PA! I'll be thinking about you.

    amylou321 thanked kathyg_in_mi
  • amylou321
    Original Author
    2 years ago

    foodonastump, you are forgiven.

    I have a gynecologist, who I have been seeing since I was 20. I see him yearly. This past year, I went for a baseline mammogram at his behest, which turned into a follow up ultrasound, which turned into a biopsy, which turned into another ultrasound of which I have heard nothing of any results and that was months ago.

    I have a dermatologist.

    I have an eye doctor.

    I have a dentist.

    I saw a specific doc for weight loss and still am technically a patient, though I haven't gone back in years.

    I just do not have a primary care doctor and would like to find one.

    As for Leo, I have called the breeder and they have not heard of any issues from the other pups. I do not think he has gotten into anything. He, at his time, does not have free reign around the house yet because he is still a puppy and quite stupid. I am going to try another vet later this week.

    And my hip has a big ugly bruise on it. Dream witch!

  • yeonassky
    2 years ago

    Sorry things have not been going smoothly for you. I hope you get into no more dream fights and that you find out what's wrong with Leo quickly!

    It really is nice to have someone oversee your health. I hope you find a primary care quickly. We have difficulty finding doctors here as well.

    amylou321 thanked yeonassky
  • arkansas girl
    2 years ago

    If it makes you feel any better, my friend just spent $2000 at the vet when his dog suddenly became ill...throwing up and acting like she couldn't get up to walk. Well $2000 later, she is fine and they have no idea what made her so sick. She is a Lab. so she eats anything in sight, they assume she ate something that made her sick. It's crazy how much it costs to go to the vet when your dog is sick!

    I find that word of mouth is best for finding good doctors. You could ask any of your current doctors if they have a PCP to recommend for you to go to.

    amylou321 thanked arkansas girl
  • maire_cate
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Sorry all of this is happening to you. My only suggestion is to call the Ob/gyn that you've been seeing for years and ask for the results of that ultrasound and for the name of a PC too.

    amylou321 thanked maire_cate
  • eld6161
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Oh my. Hugs to you.

    Sometimes it is everything all at once.

    amylou321 thanked eld6161
  • Annie Deighnaugh
    2 years ago

    I'm so sorry you're going through all of this.

    Do check with the docs you do have...or especially their get referrals to a PC...or call your nearest hospital to ask.

    Sending you thoughts of healing, strength, courage and comfort.

    amylou321 thanked Annie Deighnaugh
  • arcy_gw
    2 years ago

    I have found going to the doc they give you can lead to a PC choice. This way you get to meet and assess them as they tend to your current issue. I have also found if you ask the doc directly you get a yes where as receptionists might say "full"....

    amylou321 thanked arcy_gw
  • Kathsgrdn
    2 years ago

    My dog, Chewie, vomits occasionally. I found that if he gobbles all the food and water in the bowls he does this. It's also not immediate, hours later. I've learned not to put out a lot of food and water at one time. They get frequent small amounts throughout the day, even on days I work long hours. The vet knows, I've told him before when he first started doing it. Just made him an appointment because he hurt his foot/leg somehow and isn't bearing any weight on it and won't let me look at it. I'm dreading the bill.

    Good luck on finding a primary care doctor.

    amylou321 thanked Kathsgrdn
  • nicole___
    2 years ago

    I'm so sorry your doing so much....decorations and food for your coworkers causes so much anxiety at work. No thanks there! You have to decide you want to dedicate yourself to losing weight. So it's just not the right time. Give yourself a break. I'm sorry will get better. Take three deep breaths. Keep smiling gurl!

    amylou321 thanked nicole___
  • chisue
    2 years ago

    Ah, the Dog Days of Summer! Ick...a literal ick with Leo's gastro problems.

    Promise us that you'll pursue a primary care/internist. It's not as lucrative a field as being a specialist, and the nation doesn't have enough of these important MDs. (Personally, I'd prefer a variety of patients, not be examining one small section of anatomy day in and day out, but medical school is expensive.)

    You could try feeding Leo three smaller meals each day, even try food for 'sensitive stomachs'. Could be the normal 'gorge and purge' of an immature dog. Is he re-ingesting the upchuck? There is 'Pepcid' for animals you could try; he may have excess acid.

    I hope your bruises and aches will fade fast. Maybe your new doctor can suggest some *calming* and *centering* techniques. Good for mind and body.

    amylou321 thanked chisue
  • dedtired
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Ugh uggity ugh. If it makes you feel better, and i dont know why it would, I stubbed the living daylights out of my little toe and now its purple. Saw stars when I did it but it doesnt hurt now.

    That was quite a dream! I can rarely remember mine.

    If i go to the website of my local group of hospitals, there is the option toFind A Doctor. You can enter the type of doc you want ( family doctor, internist, primary care) and then check off ” accepting new patients”. Maybe that would work for you. I swear I have a different doctor for every two square inches of my body! Imdo love my PC doctor and turn to her first.

    amylou321 thanked dedtired
  • raee_gw zone 5b-6a Ohio
    2 years ago

    Sounds like, even though your employer has a wellness program and a nurse, there is no insurance?

    If there is, go to your plan's website to get names of PCPs that accept your insurance and new patients. Then you can do a web search for reviews of each one - but take them with a grain of saltI

    If no insurance, I agree with asking your other providers for a recommendation.

    I might even try out that recommended PCP (if truly a doctor, not a chiropracter who all seem to push these supplements) and simply let her know up front that you aren't interested in supplements and shakes - then see if she seems knowledgable and insightful in traditional ways.

    amylou321 thanked raee_gw zone 5b-6a Ohio
  • Rose Pekelnicky
    2 years ago

    I hope things improve for you.

    amylou321 thanked Rose Pekelnicky
  • OutsidePlaying
    2 years ago

    Dang it, Amy, I’m sorry these things seem to pile up all at once, don’t they? I would ask the Gyn for a PC referral, and make sure they make a call for you. Or even your dermatologist. Sometimes you have to ge aggressive and get your foot in the door any way you can do it. if you have any friends you trust who are nurses who could speak up for you, or could give you a referral, do it.

    Keep us posted.

    amylou321 thanked OutsidePlaying
  • lucillle
    2 years ago

    Amy how are you and Leo doing today?

    amylou321 thanked lucillle
  • amylou321
    Original Author
    2 years ago

    I came home this morning to 3 piles of vomit in his crate while he was pressing himself against the other side of it trying to get away from it.

    Now, I can handle a lot of things. I am not really squeamish. I can clean pee and poop and blood. I brush his teeth. I clip his nails. I have reached into his slobber filled mouth to remove leaves and other things. But I have a real issue with vomit. It makes me gag uncontrollably. SO has been cleaning it up, but he was not home yet, and I could not just let it sit there. So I cleaned it,gagging the whole time, and washed his feet off in case he had stepped in it. As a bright note to that, my stomach has still not settled, and its great for my newest weight loss attempt. I am trying to look on the bright side anyway.

    I cant find George, so I am worried. I am hoping he pops up on my cameras sometime tonight to ease my mind.

    Its still hotter than any human should be able to withstand.

    But I am still feeling better. In times like this when I am feeling down I like to make a list of all the things I have going for me, and that always helps. I have a great job that I like, that is low stress and allows me to garden, walk, and decorate to ridiculous excess with no interference. I have an SO who I love and who is crazy about me, pets that bring me joy (and vomit), a family who does not attempt to bring any stress because they know I would not tolerate it, a house I like, and a great set of online KT friends who have helped me feel better.

    So I guess I am doing great. Thanks.

  • morz8 - Washington Coast
    2 years ago

    I'm glad you are feeling a little more optimistic. We knew you could do it. I'm a little concerned about your pup though. Do you have a way of checking his weight. How's he doing there. Let's not discuss your own, you already know you have the will and knowledge to take care of that when you have your mind set to it. Are you happy with his hydration given that he's vomiting. Does he keep water down, or is it both water and food. I'm not sure how large he is now, although know he will eventually be a big dog. Is his bowl raised or is he eating from one sat on the floor?

    amylou321 thanked morz8 - Washington Coast
  • whistle_b
    2 years ago

    Amy, best wishes to you and Leo. Hope you are both on the mend soon!!

    amylou321 thanked whistle_b
  • Ninapearl
    2 years ago

    you have so much going on all at the same time! i bet you're also suffering a raging case of cabin fever, i know i am. the oppressive heat and humidity puts me in such a funk that i just want to pack everything up and move to alaska. i have cleaned out every closet, every drawer, washed every window at least twice, patched spots of wallpaper that i have neglected for years, rearranged furniture more times than i can count, and i'm left with very little to do. i'm with you...give me winter or give me death!! well, not really death but sheesh, could it at least get back down to temps that are more conducive to not feeling like i'm walking into a damn sauna every time i open the door? at least for me, the intolerance i have of summer always magnifies every other little thing to the point where, if it wasn't so hot out, i'd go out in the woods for some good ole primal scream therapy but the heat/humidity has made it so buggy outside, i'm afraid i'd get hauled away, kicking and screaming, by mutant mosquitoes!

    have you changed anything in leo's diet or perhaps added any new treats? even if you haven't changed his food, oftentimes a manufacturer will change a formula that can elicit a reaction like you are seeing with leo. these changes are pretty much always made without the consumer ever knowing. here's my suggestion...stop feeding kibble and treats, start feeding a mixture of boiled lean ground beef and cooked white rice (equal parts). do this for 3-4 days and then gradually introduce his kibble back into the mix or switch to a kibble for sensitive tummies and add that gradually. i can really sympathize with you because i've had dogs with urpy tummies. when it's great danes, they leave piles of vomit the size of texas and i won't even mention the dreaded "d" word.

    i sure hope things even out for you soon but in the meantime, you seem to have a darn good sense of humor about all of the trials and tribulations. hang in there, autumn and pretty leaves and crisp temperatures are right around the corner for we who hate summer!! :)

    amylou321 thanked Ninapearl
  • amylou321
    Original Author
    2 years ago

    So to be clear, Leo does NOT get food treats of any kind. We discovered very early on that any deviation from his food causes a weeks worth of diarrhea. So his "treats" are ice cubes, which he loves. I called another vet today, someone I went to school with, and he said to try to break up meals into tiny portions, and if that does not work, maybe a food change would be in order. This mess started halfway through the 30 pound bag of dog food, so if it was a change in formula, I think it would have showed up before now. I guess I will just have to wait and see. He does not FEEL bad, as he still eats and drinks and plays like always, so that is a comfort to me.

    George had gotten very sassy lately. He went from a sweet, laid back cuddle bug to a mob boss. He still likes cuddles but has become somewhat aloof and somewhat demanding. He had the nerve to SMACK me when I stopped petting him today. AND he snuck up behind me and waltzed into my house like he owned the place, clearly forgetting he is an OUTSIDE kitty!!!! He sashayed up to Leo today when SO let Leo out, stuck his nose RIGHT in his face, then turned around and sashayed away....... Leo was SO confused. He did not know if he made a friend or met his supervisor....

    I have take to listening to Christmas music for the last couple days, it always cheers me up and reminds me that pleasant months are ahead.

    I have also started to form a tenuous truce with one of my coworkers regarding my decorations. I asked her if she could sew me some light covers to go over the big fluorescent lights in here for my decorations. I really just need some magnets sewn into the edges of some seasonal fabric, and likely could have achieved it with some fabric glue. But, I feel that if she is somewhat involved, she is less likely to undermine my efforts, as she has done in the past. She seems excited about it, and so am I I guess, Its another element to add to my display, and I always like that.

    Things are looking better every day.

  • satine100
    2 years ago

    Glad you are finding some positives and what a good idea to involve your coworker in your holiday decorating.

    amylou321 thanked satine100
  • Zalco/bring back Sophie!
    2 years ago


    amylou321 thanked Zalco/bring back Sophie!
  • OutsidePlaying
    2 years ago

    Well, except for getting to the bottom of Leo’s issue, it sounds like things are a bit more optimistic for you. I do hope you can figure out what is causing his problems. Cleaning up that mess is no fun. Glad to hear you are feeling better, and hope your solution helps with yoru co-worker issue. Brilliant!

    amylou321 thanked OutsidePlaying
  • amylou321
    Original Author
    2 years ago

    No. I don't think so. He is not outside for very long, and never unsupervised. He gets hot very very fast so we let him out to do his business then its back in the house into the AC. Another reason to hate summer. When fall and winter gets here he will be able to play outside a lot more.