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Does this pricing for a stair runner sound correct to you?

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

We recently received an estimate from our designer (who we are paying a flat fee so prices are not supposed to be marked up) for a Stark wool stair runner that is priced at $18/sq ft. The total for installation and product came back at $6,600 (tax not included.) It's a herringbone pattern so not a solid. Does this price sound right to you or what am I not understanding? We trust our designer of course but I just cannot get my math to work with that number and the price per square foot. This is for twelve pretty standard size steps, 12" deep and 7 1/2" high (on the risers) and they told us they need 33.33 yards, or about 300 square feet. That seems like a lot to us?

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