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Delaying Everything - Who else, due to serious medical issues?

One Devoted Dame
3 years ago


So, if memory serves, someone here on GardenWeb, someone very super sweet -- I wanna say Canadian...? Maybe Miss Becky...? -- has dealt with this, too. I just wanted to reach out, maybe private message folks, if they don't wanna post here, for guidance and encouragement. Feeling a little lost at the moment. Prayers would be greatly appreciated, if anyone out there needs to add to their prayer list.

This is literally the *only* online presence I have. Zero social media. Don't have time for a million online things, with all the kidlets I have over here. Oh, and I guess it would be helpful to mention that it's one of my parents -- not me, the love of my life, or any of our kiddos -- who received the bad news (stage 4 cancer, totally unexpected).

For those unfamiliar with my story, the plan was for a little multi-generational "family village," where we could spend the next decade or two, enjoying life with each other, before the realities of elder care hit us. My folks are 60; my husband and I haven't reached 40 yet. :-( We thought we had more time, before any serious issues came up. :-(

We are very early on in this process -- Already met with, and selected, an architect; just trying to find land. Finding some acreage has proven to be harder than we all thought, and I'm not sure it's wise to stop looking....? It feels, I don't know, strange maybe, to keep looking, but it also feels like we're giving up this dream if we stop. But I want to stay hopeful. Yet realistic. It's all just kinda weird.

Anyway, so, yeah. A huge thank you to anyone out there who replies, messages me, or says a prayer for us.

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