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Ordering from Conifer Kingdom

Hey gang, hope all is well. I have been looking at Conifer Kingdom and think I am going to order some plants. I've scouted some local nurseries and plan on ordering things I cannot or have not seen. Based on your recommendations, they are a solid company. I think I will go for dwarf to intermediate plants and purchase larger, locally grown specimens for large-scale landscaping. The problem is what to get! I have an acre lot in SW suburban Chicago (zone 5B).

Holy smokes online conifer shopping is difficult. So far, I have the following in my shopping cart:

Pinus flexilis 'Kinzie Rose'

Larix marschlinsii (x) 'Lilian

Abies concolor 'Gable's Weeping

Autumn Moon Japanese Maple (Acer shirasawanum)

Pinus schwerinii (x) 'Wiethorst'

Any feedback on the above?

I've found a local place with Picea orientalis 'Firefly' and "Skylands' as well as Sciadopitys verticillata (two named cultivars).

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