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interior door conundrum - 1 3/8 stile rail vs 1 3/4 molded MDF

Sandra Brown
3 years ago

This is my first question post on Houzz. Thanks for all your thoughts. Interior door decision - style will be 3 panel shaker. Construction options are:

1 3/8" stile and rail (with MDF panels), 90 degree sticking

1 3/4" hollow core molded MDF, 'shaker' sticking has a slight bevel

1 3/4" solid core molded MDF, 'shaker' sticking has a slight bevel

Before everyone says "stile and rail"...the 90 degree sticking is hard to paint, hard to keep clean. A 1 3/4" door has an upgraded feel to it and the solid core is the best sound reducer of the three. The stile and rail door is actually the least expensive by a few dollars (probably because a 1 3/4" molded door isn't high volume).

So is anyone willing to entertain the idea of paying slightly more for a thicker MDF door than for a stile and rail door?

I can tell you that the door photos are indistinguishable on the internet.

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