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Stuffing recipes - here's mine, post yours

Rule of threes:

3 loaves of day old white bread. The cheapest stuff you can find. Bottom shelf.

3 sticks of melted butter

3 pounds of baking potatoes

3 large onions

3 tablespoons of minced garlic

3 stalks of celery

3 teaspoons of hot sauce. We use Gray's Pepper Sauce from Jamaica.

Cut the crust off the bread and eat it. Cut the bread guts into tiny pieces and put them in a big mixing bowl. Wash the potatoes. Don't peel them! Cut them into chunks and boil until soft. Chop the onions into small pieces and saute in olive oil. Chop the celery into fine pieces and add it to the bread.

Mix the celery and bread first, then add the onions, garlic, butter, and hot sauce and mix well. Add the potatoes and mash the whole thing together. There's enough here to stuff even the largest turkey. What's leftover should be baked in a casserole dish and served as a side.

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