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GC 50-100% upcharge-should I install hardware and doors... myself?

4 years ago

There have been several items that I was blown away with the price increase with my GC. Everything goes through the designer first so I'm not sure if she's upcharging by a lot or how she gets paid but there have been several items that we said we'll do ourselves or sub out ourselves. One including the butcher block top on the island. The one she pointed me to she provided the website and clear as day on the website u put in the dimensions and with free delivery, butcher block finished and oiled $1k. Her bid for butcher block and install $3k. For that one we'll go to a local place and figure out how to get it installed.

Countertops I decide to pay the 3xs the cost for install but I thought long and hard.

Hardware if we buy them ourselves it's $7/pull and $5/knob. It sounds like a lot but I can see they want a cushion in case they mess up and need to provide a new front, although my guess is they'd try to patch it, just like their mistake when they cut out a piece for my outlet in the back of the pantry and now they just stuck the piece back in the spot-cuz I caught that they missed the spice rack and needed to push it over 3" (BTW, same cabinet installer is the one who would install hardware so I'm starting to wonder how good he's going to be-esp when the GC noticed he didn't give enough room for the stove so we also have to move over cabs to make room.

I asked the GC how much in comparison to home depot to install our slider door and a new door to go to garage. i sent them the bid of the doors from home depot, less than $2k for the doors and their bid came back over $4k. some non essentials like a few hundred for clean up and a few hundred for a dumpster. They already took the dumpster and knew I was inquiring about doors.

I'm not sure if I should tell the GC I'm not trying to go out of order and I respect that his fees r his fees but he said home depot prices and I thought I'd check if he wants that job or not and that they've lost some jobs we would've had them do but many of the prices are double or more.

I thought GCs charge 25% above or so but this seems insane and I'm disappointed and not sure what to do about some of the future jobs. I'd hate to mess up my cab fronts so I feel almost stuck with having them install them and to save $1k I'll prob use Home Depot but it's a shame. I just don't know if the GC is the one upbidding so much or does he even know what happens behind the scene. (he comes to jobs, designer bids jobs and helps with everything else, super sends bills).


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