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Self watering, smaller pots

Chris Reher
4 years ago

Crossposting 'cause some forums just aren't as busy as they used to be, way back from before Houzz bought out Gardenweb. :)

Here in Z5a, I'm struggling with garden areas that are either in shade or get stinkin' hot afternoon sun. That precious morning East sun is in short supply.

Anyhoo, I've been looking at self-watering containers and have made some with that double-bucket wicking method.

I'd like to grow herbs in smaller containers but want to avoid twice-daily watering. So, based on the method used for the big bins, would it work if I took my potted herbs (in this case mint and lemon balm that I'd like to keep contained) and used a thick wick, such as you get in a tiki torch (or maybe a strip of cotton t-shirt?), fed through one of the bottom holes and into another container without drainage. So basically, I'd fill up the bottom reservoir and let the wick water the plants from below.

Would this be enough to help reduce watering to every two days, perhaps?
