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Garden pathways......pulling out my hair on which way to go!

4 years ago

I have probably a couple miles of garden paths to put in - really! Cottage style is harder than it looks! It's easy to put in bordered rose beds which I have done over the years but then the mowing grass and trimming and edging around and I am getting tired of all that. I would like to get rid of the grass (mainly weeds) completely but the choice of different materials to use is endless. Just mulch? With or without stepping stones? (Unfortunately mulch is a good cat potty and no fun when you step into it or kneel in it on a nice wet morning!) Crushed limestone? With stepping stones? It's good for several years until the birds spread seeds and the cats dig dirt into it and everything sprouts and starts to grow in it, but it's long lasting and durable. Should I use weed barrier and lawn edging strips? I need to be able get a wheelbarrow through the beds. It usually rains a lot here and the weeds grow into everywhere very quickly and edging ends up a full time job. My husband and the landscape/nursery guy insist you have to dig out the dirt, put down weed barrier, then sand and then stones to make a lasting path. I did a big section like that under my tunnel arbor last year! I was thinking more like remove the sod, lay out some weed barrier or plastic, cover with some mulch or stones, lay out stepping stones, add more mulch/stone around the stepping stones and call it quits. I'd like to get these done before I break my back or die trying. What is your quickest and easiest choice for making pathways? Please share any pics of your walkways, they are always appreciated.

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