Beige? Beige? Or Green?
5 years ago
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- 5 years ago
- 5 years ago
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Comments (4)Thank u for weighing in! It looks like the Wheeling Neutral is not going to work after all as it goes darker than I was hoping so looking at Sandy Brown. It's a tad darker than the Powell Buff and has a little more richness to it. Powell Buff is my favorite but needs to be a tad darker....See MoreBeige vinyl windows and plantation shutters--I hate beige! HELP!
Comments (14)Random thoughts: - The outside looks neat as a pin. Clearly this house has been well cared-for, though I agree with the above poster that the landscaping is kinda dull. - The wall paper may or may not be a problem. When I moved into my current house, I immediately renovated the two bathrooms ... I pulled down the wallpaper from the large master bath in about 15 minutes, but I spent three days of misery in the similar-sized hall bath. Why? The walls in the master bath were "primed" before the wallpaper went up. ALWAYS prime your walls before painting or wallpapering. ALWAYS. More to the point: I hope your walls were primed. - I do like plantation shutters (and intend to have them in my new house), but they don't seem right for your 1970s ranch, and I don't think I'd like them in beige. I agree you should take them out ... but sell them on eBay or Craigslist. They're worth money. Don't bother painting them ... if I were buying, I wouldn't mind painting them. - As for the beige trim, it will be a monster to paint (or a monster-sized bill, if you pay someone to do it), but it's not hard work ... just tedious work. Since you're talking about color preferences, not functional needs, you don't have to do it all at once. - While you're painting things, I'd look at those dark brown gutter spouts. They seem to stand out in a bad way. - I like white-painted brick, and I think this house would look lovely if the wood trim above the windows were a light-to-midtone blue. - I'd think lose that wrought iron railing on the front ... maybe. I don't particularly like it, but it does fit with the house....See MoreThe beige-ist beige that ever beiged
Comments (3)Home looks to be 1980's vintage. Consider a blue-grey with cream or white trim....See MoreLooking to update our new beige-on-beige kitchen
Comments (13)It's a really lovely space but you've got very little variation between the counter, the cabinets and the backsplash, as well as a warmer color, which isn't helping your goals. I think that if you are willing to do a color rather than a neutral, then painting the bits of wall you can see in the kitchen in a blue (probably with green undertones) would help. You could also change out the hardware for something chunkier in a cool metal, as well as changing the outlet covers/wallplatess similarly. Painting or staining cabinets is a lot of work so it depends on how much effort/money you want to throw at this. If you were going to change the cabinet color I think for your goals, painting them white, or painting the bottom ones dark blue (and either leaving the top ones, or painting them white) would be helpful. Stain is a bit easier than paint but most stain colors lean warm rather than cool. You could do an espresso stain, which would break up the beige and be somewhat cool-leaning. Given the level of natural light you might find that the kitchen then ends up being quite dark. Some people like this and others don't. If you do paint or stain the cabinets, I would change out the hardware....See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years agoKissing Tree Properties LLC thanked JudyG Designs
- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years agoKissing Tree Properties LLC thanked decoenthusiaste
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