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Do Y'all Like the Way Post Threads are Reversed Now?

Responses to the original poster are in last to first order. Don't like it at all. To me it is equivalent to starting to read a book on the last page and reading each previous page to finish the book when you get to the very first page.

It is also vexing that to reply now, you have to go all the way to the bottom to reply to a response that is immediately under the initial post.

I just tried to submit a request to customer support (a link someone posted previously about this issue but am not allowed to do so. One, on two different blocks, has to select an operating system and the only selections are iPad, iPhone, or Android. I am not using any of those and there is no option for selecting Windows 10 desktop. That is just weird IMO. However, I just notice the link has the word “app” in it so that makes sense. Do any of you know the link to use for desktop users?

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