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Anyone have coyotes in their neighborhood?

I was woken by the rain last night about midnight and went to look out my kitchen door to see how hard it was raining. From there I can look over at a street light, one house lot away from me on an intersecting street where it's easy to tell just how hard it is raining. Then I saw what at first I thought was a dog who was loose, no person in sight. It was walking fast, almost at a trot, in the pouring rain and passed just under the street light. Then I saw a second one, the same size, color and shape, following behind the first one in a single line. Just by the shape of the body, the way the long tail was hanging down in back of them and their body movements, I'm about 80% sure they were coyotes.

I've never seen one in our suburban neighborhood of small lots. Never see deer, have only seen turkeys pass through once. So this is new to me. I've always felt safe to go out in the backyard after dark with a flashlight to check the vegetable bed for bugs if I need to. Some of my neighbors walk at night. I have one lot line with just a 4 ft fence, but I read this morning they can easily get over a 6-7ft fence. We do have a dog, but she is about 50 pounds, so I am not all that concerned.

We have had a population explosion of rabbits this year. I was just talking to my son and he said he's noticed for the last few years, he hasn't really seen hawks the way we used to and thought that might be why there are so many rabbits lately. So, I guess it's just a case of being alert, which I haven't felt I needed to be before this.

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