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Improving poor floor plan of single story house in NorCal

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago


I recently bought a house about 1650sqft on a 7600sqft corner lot. It has a front door facing south and the garage facing east as shown in the floor plan below. though it has 2 bath, the bath2 is located behind the laundry room while the bath1 is shared between the hall and the master bed which is bed1. When I first looked at this house, I thought I needed to pass this but suddenly came up with an idea of adding a new bath in the closet1 & heater area; eliminating closet1 and move the heater up to the attic or to the garage. Also remove the door from the laundry to the bath2 and make a new door from the bed3 to the bath2.

Adding a bath3 will require a new permit for plumbing and electric, but no structural issue, and money. I understand that. One thing I concerns about here is how to floor plan a new bath! Since there are big windows on the existing WIC area as shown below, and I want to keep these windows for exterior cosmetic purpose and sunlight to the bath, it makes the bathroom floor plan difficult.

Here are some ideas I put together last night.

#1. original floor plan

#2. Keep the windows, but the toilet is on sight when open the door

#3. Keep the windows, toilet is away compared to #2, vanity is 90 degree shifted from the door

#4. no walk-in closet, maximize bathroom area

#5. vanity outside of wet area. small bath for toilet and shower, spacious walk-in closet?

$6. eliminate the windows and make a small windows for shower to the front door sidewall.

One side idea was to use the bath1 as a master bathroom and convert the closet1 & heater space into the half bath for the guest bathroom. this makes sense for overall house floor planning while the flow inside the master bedroom is not natural since the bath is on the left side of the bed and the closet is the south side of the bed.

Another side idea was to make a bed3 master bedroom by merging the closet3&4, converting the laundry into the walk-in closet, converting dining place into the laundry, and a part of living room becoming the dining place.

Any suggestion or great idea will be very helpful!

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