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What Are Your Best And Most-Loved Companion Plants?

ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

I don't know whether we've ever had a thread devoted to just this topic although these important components of the garden picture are often mentioned in our discussions of roses. They've assumed a much greater portion of my thoughts these days as I've come to appreciate the variety of color and form they lend to the rose garden, and the nourishment they provide for bees and butterflies in these ever-more fraught days of climate deterioration.

In the past my favorite flowers to plant among the roses were reblooming irises, which gave me a huge amount of pleasure as here they bloomed almost every month of the year. All that changed in the summer of 2018 when, for the first time, the rabbits and ground squirrels decimated my garden, no doubt because after years of drought they simply did not have enough wild food to eat. They ate everything, including the roses as far up as they were able to reach. I then began to research plants that do not appeal to these little munchers, and have begun to replant the garden areas with milkweed, penstemons, cistus, salvias and mimulus, with a pretty good rate of success, although the mimulus 'Spunky Monkey' was eaten to the ground one day after planting when the squirrels knocked over the protective cage around it, a new milkweed was also half eaten and several salvias have also disappeared. They also seem to delight in eating the flowers off the cistus. The sea lavender that was so beautiful in the spring has also had the flowers eaten and they are now beginning to devour the leaves. Such is life in an area that was basically a desert before we humans decided it had to be something else.

Which companion plants do you love and why? Pictures are always welcome and encouraged.

Salvia 'Henry Duelberg' which the hummers also love.

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