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Just some Ferns

A few of my ferns in the hosta gardens. Some were purchase , some collected from the logging roads a couple were gifts Some I know the names but lots I don't know. The ones that multiply, I plant in other spots or plant in pots and have been known to give away some too . My favorite ones were Fox Tail Fern but sadly die in the winters here in Zone 5. I love how they wave in the breeze among the hosta

The ones below that I got in the side of the forestry road are the ones that multiply the most. These that are in a planter box have wintered for at least 4 years now and no extra care given. Guess if the grow in a ditch, they will grow anywhere

Some don't want to download so I will call it enough. Now show me your ferns tooincase I can find some different ones to add , Thanks, Faye

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