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Guess I better go, or it might be too late!

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

Class of 57 is having a luncheon, come Aug.

We are all turning 80, and suggestion is we meet 11:30 for lunch, instead of later, due to age, driving ability at night, etc, etc,etc.

Last one I went to was for our 55th, and said I'd never go back for another one. BUT, thinking so many are gone now, I really need to go. Finality is sad.

We are dwindling in numbers. That is life.

Would you go?

I am older than most of you and have more years left than me :o(

Comments (34)

  • sheilajoyce_gw
    4 years ago

    I would go if I thought I would have a nice time and if I thought I would know any other alums in attendance. I have never lived close enough to attend mine.

    glenda_al thanked sheilajoyce_gw
  • joyfulguy
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    The small high school where I spent most of those years, near where I now live, had about 60 students, four grades, in two rooms. It closed in '49, a couple of years after my family moved to the the prairies.

    I attended when they held a 50th anniv. in '99 and was pleased to see many old/former friends, most of whom I knew in that rather smallish group. Several had travelled quite long distances.

    Often when large and continuing schools hold non-specific year reunions, the few grads from many years ago may feel somewhat submerged in a flood of more recent grads.

    olr joyfuelled

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  • Rusty
    4 years ago

    Glenda, I graduated in '57, also. And for the last 55+ years have lived about 1500 miles from where I grew up and went to school. I've never attended any of the reunions. That sort of thing just doesn't appeal to me all that much. I seriously doubt I would recognise anyone, or they, me.

    That being said, if I had gone to any previous reunions, if I looked forward to seeing anyone in particular, and distance and expense wasn't an issue, I would go. (I think.)



  • jtc
    4 years ago

    I may be wrong, but I get the impression that you want to go, and if you don't, you may regret it.

  • DawnInCal
    4 years ago

    I've never attended one of my high school reunions and have no interest in doing so, but I keep in touch with the people I was close to back then and that is enough for me personally. I'm actually getting together with a high school friend for a few days next week.

    It sounds like you kinda want to, but aren't sure yet. Only you know and can decide what you should do, but I hope the replies you receive help you reach that decision.

  • Fun2BHere
    4 years ago

    Why did you decide not to attend any reunions after the 55th one?

  • Lindsey_CA
    4 years ago

    I graduated in '67, and went to my 10-year reunion. Didn't go to the 5-year reunion, or any reunion other than the 10-year get-together. I haven't kept in touch with anyone from my high school, much less the more than 350 people in my graduating class. I went to high school in Southern California, and now live in Northern California. It wouldn't be a burden to get there, so that's not the issue. As far as I know, the only thing I have in common with anyone from the class of '67 who would be at a reunion is that we were in the same graduating class, and perhaps had some classes together. But that's it.

    My husband is two years younger than I am, and went to high school in a different county in Southern California. He's going to attend his 50-year reunion this year. Hubs has kept in touch with several of his buddies from high school, but these guys had all been friends since grade school, so their friendships are really tight. I have gotten to know a few of the guys since Hubs and I have been together, but I'm not going to accompany Hubs to the reunion. I know I wouldn't have a good time. All of the "remember when...." stories wouldn't mean anything to me, and I don't want Hubs to be distracted by feeling/thinking he needs to keep me company.

  • salonva
    4 years ago

    I had not gone to any prior ones, but did go to the 30th which was wonderful. From that I did reconnect with quite a few people I had lost touch with, and most I remain in touch with. Have had some smaller get-togethers and enjoyed.

    My 50th is approaching next year and plans are underway. I was going back and forth about it, and had said I was unsure but would probably come. I don't know why but after a few weeks I found it less and less appealing and decided that I will not be going. As I said, I am in touch with those I care to be, and it will be a large gathering which is not an enticement. I keep thinking maybe I will regret it, but I am now 98% sure that I will not be going and it's fine.

  • Uptown Gal
    4 years ago

    My class had almost 500 in the graduating class. I went to the 5th...and hung

    out with the friends that I kept in touch with anyway. Haven't gone back to

    any more, but still keep in touch with a few of my closest friends from then. We

    have all scattered around the mostly by e-mail or phone when

    the spirit strikes us. I wouldn't travel back now to go to them.

  • eld6161
    4 years ago

    Glenda, you seem to be struggling with this. I think you should go only if you honestly want to. Not just to fill up the table.

    I have no interest in these events, but I can see how others would enjoy them.

    Side story: Although not a HS reunion, DH's work retired buddies have been having get-togethers for the past five years. He has kept in touch with a few through Christmas cards.

    He found the first one interesting. He participated in a few more, but realized that after all the "remember when" stories were extinguished, and everyone was of course caught up with the family stories, what was left was the ailments! DH finds this depressing. He is still active and fit and does not like to dwell on illness.

  • georgysmom2
    4 years ago

    I went to my 35th. It was interesting and fun to see my old buddies, but never had any desire to go to any others. If I was local and it was convenient, maybe I would go but maybe not.

  • hounds_x_two
    4 years ago

    Yes! I would go.

  • nicole___
    4 years ago

    I've never been to a HS reunion. The people I actually "knew" were nice, we run into each other occasionally....catch up...and that's enough. I feel connected to my childhood.

    The ones I've run into....that I never talked to in HS...but they remember me...were rude, aggressive and mean. I'd like to avoid them. :0)

  • LoneJack Zn 6a, KC
    4 years ago

    I haven't been since my 10 year. 40 year is coming up in 2021 but I have no desire to go. There is a Facebook page for my graduating class but I haven't looked at it in several years.

  • Sylvia Gordon
    4 years ago

    You may be able to visit with someone this year that you won't be able to visit with next year.


  • katrina_ellen
    4 years ago

    Sounds like you feel torn between what you want to do and what you think you should do. To me it sounds like you don't want to go but you think you will be missing out if you don't. Do you keep in contact with anyone who would be going? Only you can decide. On one hand its one afternoon, on the other hand if you won't enjoy it why go?

  • Yayagal
    4 years ago

    I went to a private school with only 32 students in each grade so, yes, I would go. I was the one who arranged the 10th, 25th and 50th. Amazingly all my school pals came. I decided not to organize one this year as I have too many commitments. We all communicate still to this day and my best friend and I still talk and get together even though she's in Ct. and I'm in Ma. We have known each other for sixty six years. Glenda, if you go, you will have no regrets.

  • chisue
    4 years ago

    If you'll have *reality*. If you don't, you'll know nothing new.

    My HS class was doubled in advance of building a second township HS. The graduating class was around 900. I can't think of anyone I met in HS that I would care to see, or who'd care to see me. I would like to see people I knew from Kindergarten on -- perhaps 100 in that group? DH enjoyed his HS years and lettered in sports. Still, it's his friends from grammar school who cluster together at a HS reunion. They feel a little like siblings to him and to me, both only children.

  • jkayd_il5
    4 years ago

    I would go. Why not if it close? You may not enjoy it too much but on the other hand if may be lots of fun.

  • OutsidePlaying
    4 years ago

    Glenda I hope you go, especially if it’s close and if you have maintained contact with many of your friends.

    We were a fairly small class )around 70) and pretty close since most of us had known each other since first grade. A lot of the guys were facing Vietnam if they didn’t have a college option, so many average or less male students actually made it into college or junior college and became good students and succeeded in life. I am only 35 miles from where I went to high school and several of our classmates get together for lunch on occasion, males and females.

  • marilyn_c
    4 years ago

    Yes, I would go. I graduated in '65. It was a very small school and I knew everyone. I always enjoy the class reunions.

  • raee_gw zone 5b-6a Ohio
    4 years ago

    I have never gone to a reunion, have never wanted to, and still don't want to. I didn't enjoy my high school all that much for several reasons and only had casual friends, no one that I was really close to.

    I would like to catch up with the group that I went through elementary and junior high with (in another town). Most of us were in the same class from 3rd -6th grade, then in classes together in Jr. high and I would like to hear where everyone ended up. When my family moved to the other town, I lost touch after a year or two.

  • maddielee
    4 years ago

    I would go, but I wonder why you decided not to go to one after your 55th?

    I still live in the same city of my high school. A neighborhood school so many of us have been friends for longer then just the high school years. And many of us have constantly remained friends or have renewed friendships.

    Class of 68

  • joann_fl
    4 years ago

    Yes go, enjoy yourself. I've never been to one of mine since its too far. I would love to.

    glenda_al thanked joann_fl
  • Elmer J Fudd
    4 years ago

    Is the trip long or difficult? If not, why give it a second thought?

  • miss_sistersue
    4 years ago

    I would go. My class was small and very few of us are left, but I enjoyed the reunions with classmates and some of our teachers.

    glenda_al thanked miss_sistersue
  • lisa_fla
    4 years ago

    Just hanging out here to see what you decide to do! DH really wanted to go to his 5th reunion but a good friend was getting married the same day and he was in the wedding party. By the time the 10th rolled around he had lost interest. If you skip it, you might never go back! I would decide by how comfortable you are with the distance (sounds like its close) and whether or not you had a good time at the last one.

    glenda_al thanked lisa_fla
  • rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
    4 years ago

    Hi, Glenda! I have a different feeling than most, I think. I was struck by your comment in your original statement, saying that you'd never attend another reunion after the 55th. That's a strong sentiment and only you know the feelings behind it.

    If I were in your situation, I would sit down and revisit the events of that reunion. What was it that made it unpleasant? Is it likely to happen again? Have you kept in touch with any classmates from your high school days?

    At this stage in your life, I suspect that you'd regret terribly not going and always be a bit sad that you didn't. Unless, of course, your reasons for not wanting to go are very powerful. Those feelings matter.

    I'm sure that you can bring a guest to attend the luncheon; would that make you more comfortable? Perhaps your son or one of your besties would get a big kick out of going with you!

    My 50th is coming up this fall and I can hardly wait.

  • glenda_al
    Original Author
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I still have great friends that I went to school with. We keep in touch. 55th reunion, some of us met and went together. Couple of us even shared a motel room.

    No problem about going alone, I don't need moral support, as I know everyone.

    Numbers are just dwindling. The 55th we had all changed so in appearance, I wished I had gone to the reunions when they started, so the aging would not have been so dramatic to me.

    I know this one, just a luncheon, will be the last for a few, maybe me, included, who knows. That's life.

    Am in contact with some class buddies, here, that have not decided to go, for the same reason. And whatever we decide, we'll drive together the short hour distance.

    Still have till Aug to make the decision.

    Multi thanks for your kind inputs.

  • desertsteph
    4 years ago

    I'd go if you can put behind you the reason you previously decided you'd never go again. I went to our 20th reunion and enjoyed it - and flew across country to go. haven't gone to another one, it was too far to go again and I was busy working, working, working... but I did enjoy seeing those from HS. Several I already didn't recognize they'd changed so much. And I found out that the boy I went to our senior Valentine's dance had a crush on me in HS. ha! I never knew that. I basically forced him into going with me because I'd just broken up with my boyfriend and I still wanted to go to it. Our class has a lunch every month open to all in our class. They usually get 25-30 who make it. I looked at some recent pics and can recognize a few of them still. It was good to 'see' (even in pics) a number of them. One girl I ran around with from 6th grade thru HS posted on the school website and I was able to msg her. I'd like to see a lot of classmates again and catch up on their lives, but it's just too far to travel anymore.

  • littlebug zone 5 Missouri
    4 years ago

    It sounds like the last time you went, the effects of time on your classmates surprised and depressed you. Is that what it is?

    Do you think if you went this year that the effects of passage of even more time would be worse? And you don’t want to be reminded of it?

  • glenda_al
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    Think facing the reality of the aging process kinda hits it on the nail head, littlebug. Remembering way back when.

    Just need to get myself geared up to that fact, accept life as it is and go for the purpose of enjoying.

    I did enjoy the last one, but the fact that everyone left so early, and my group went back to the motel and sat by the pool to end the day. Did go for breakfast one of our gal friends had prepared at her beautiful home, on the river, the next morning before we all went home.

    Thanks again, everyone.

    Let's drop this now. I'll report back on the happenings come August.

    This will be 62 years since graduation in 57.

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    I've only been to my - my 50th - several years ago. I'm glad I went, but I won't go to the bother of going back to another.