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Our Wood-Mode cabinet order: what else should I be thinking of?

5 years ago

For background, my KD works for an independent high-end KD shop that has been in business for almost 30 years, and they have been selling Wood Mode for something like 10 years.

Our kitchen is now demoed and the WM cabinets we ordered several weeks ago were scheduled to ship yesterday. When I saw recently that WM was closing, I immediately called my KD. At the time, she said she was working with her rep to determine whether our order would be finished; I’ve just now heard from her that it will not. Lovely.

She told me that they are working with other manufacturers to try and find someone who can do our cabinets quickly. I have asked her what the implications will be to cost and timing of the project. Needless to say, I’m extremely frustrated and concerned. Is there anything else I should be asking my KD or thinking of?

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