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Chicken soup - the genetic recipe

Regardless of my current religious affiliation (or lack thereof) I am genetically predisposed to make chicken soup. The recipe, which I may have posted at some point in the past, was never given to me in writing, never shown to me by a relative including my mother, and never googled by me for verification. Nonetheless, I made my first pot of chicken soup while I was still in elementary school and have probably cooked another 500 pots since then.

Cold, dreary day and so I figured I put up a pot and lay out the details:

Chicken soup

In a large stock pot put the following:

One jumbo pack of chicken THIGHS with the skin. Just open the package and put them in the pot.

One large turnip, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces

Two large parsnips, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces

Two yellow onions, cut in half and then peeled

Three large carrots, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces (I was lazy today and used a bag of baby carrots. Don't judge me.)

Garlic powder - as much as you like

Dry parsley - as much as you like

Either black pepper or crushed red pepper flakes. Don't go crazy.

Fill the pot with COLD water and then mix everything with your hands. Put the pot on the stove and let it simmer for at least 3 hours. If you must skim off the fat because you don't know any better, save it a jar and use it place of butter. It's called "schmaltz" and it will lead to coronary artery disease.

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