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Need advice on planting a tree close to another tree

Ok so here the deal, I have and entire section of my yard dedicated to ‘part sun’ plantings. It’s on the south side of my house, so it’s pretty hot and sunny, but got occasional breaks due to my neighbors trees (hence part sun plantings). Well my neighbor decided to chop his trees down, and now my yard full blazing sun all day...I have baby Azalea and Rhodie shrubs that I planted last year to help disguise my ugly chain link fence. I figured they’d work perfectly due to them getting breaks of the sun with the trees.

So I really don’t want them to struggle or die, and I don’t have anywhere else I can move them that would be better. So I want to plant a ‘smallish’ tree to possibly help with shading them a bit. Thing is I also have a dogwood tree growing there so I’m very tight as far as available space goes...are there any trees that could solve my problem ? Something not too big, not too small, one that won’t take 10 years to actually grow and make a difference ..the shrubs are close to the chain link (about 4’ away) and the dogwood tree is about 6-8’ away from the shrubs being centered diagonally from them (think triangle, with tree being the top point, and shrubs being the bottom 2 points along fence.) TIA for any suggestions/advice

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