Building new home. Wondering about vinyl planking ?
5 years ago
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Comments (15)daintydee, don't get discouraged. when I first posted my plans several months ago they were a real mess. The people of this site are awesome and with some time and lots of frustration you will get a design you will be very happy with. My comments on the plans so far for what its worth: I'm not a big fan of the wrap around island. They seem a bit dated and also act as a barrier; keeping people out of the room that everyone wants to be in. I would go with a rectangular island where it is easier for people to circulate and hangout. You have a huge pantry so your cabinet needs may not be as much as you might think. Also you could extend the left side cabinets past the island (rectangular version) so that they define the island seating area as part of the kitchen. I go back and forth on the closet in the bathroom design. Search the forum if you have any doubt as there are a lot of good opinions both pros and cons on that. I don't think you want it for the second bathroom. The second bedroom bath is way too big relative to the bedroom itself. As Ive been told several times, changes are cheap to make on paper so there is no need to rush it. stay strong and good luck:)...See MoreSMARTCORE Ultra Vinyl Planks LOWES - concern about waterproof.
Comments (0)I have an elderly dog who sometimes has accidents. I won't have her forever, but for now, she's a part of my life. In any case, I will ALWAYS have a dog, so either elderly, a new puppy or an adult dog that....if sick will test whatever is on floor. Accidents happen...part of life. I'm wondering just how waterproof this product is. If she has an accident will pee get into the crevice where I can't clean it? Imagine the odor? From what I read about the product, all waterproof means is that the material it's made of won't be affected (won't swell like pressed board does) if it's in contact with moisture. But that doesn't mean that the surface will prevent moisture from leaking through to the underlayment or whatever is beneath the vinyl planks. Can any dog owners tell me how they've done with truly cleaning up? It's not just dogs, babies have accidents, spill liquids, mushy food. We ALL have accidents of one sort or another. Just how tightly does this product install? I'm thinking I should just stick with sheet vinyl or ceramic tile and not have all the seams where liquids can leak, but....I do like very much how this product looks. I appreciate all the photos of your projects everyone has posted. Thanks for any/all input....See MoreHas anyone used the new SmartCore Pro vinyl plank flooring?
Comments (55)I have bought and installed $3000.00 worth of smartcore pro 1 year ago in my unheated cabin since it said good for extreme temperatures down to 25 degrees below zero and Lowes said it was the best and only flooring that will work for me. The floor started to seperate in December 2020 at 19 degrees. Lowes said they can not help me and to file a claim with Shaw. Shaw sent an independent inspector to see flooring in March 2021. The so called independant inspector came and pretty much told me that his job is to find things to void the warranty so no claims get paid. He crawled on my floor throughout all rooms with a 6 foot level and found one high spot on my l floor that tilted his level uneven. I told him every house built has a joyce that is a little high or a little low. He agreed and said that he goes through million dollar brand new homes and always finds the same. He measured the space at edges an said some spots were too close to wall. I told him nothing expanded or contracted and its the locking that has failed. He also said the floor molding was touching the floor and that will also void a warranty. I told him there are no houses where the wall molding is not touching the floor and that no one keeps a gap below the molding. He agreed but said even if my floor did have more spacing and wall molding had a gap under it that Shaw would still void my claim since he found a joyce high spot. He left and I never had a returned call since March. I even offered to lift my floor and pay the $1.49 per square foot and to have it reinstalled by anyone of thier choice to prove it was not an installation problem and it is a locking failure problem with the flooring. I am a tipical hard working person that saved for two years to buy the best flooring made for my conditions. Shaw or Lowes have not even called me to offer me a solution or any compensation towards my $3000.00 invested. I do not know if my floor will continue to worsen but I do know it will not get better. I told the inspector that if Shaw really wanted to improve thier product that this was the perfect chance. An unheated cabin that temperatures go down to a couple of degrees below zero in the coldest part of the year. I have 8 rental proerties, a house and 2-cabins that I wanted to do all over with this flooring and now I can not trust Shaw flooring or Shaw customer service to correct the failure. My cousin is a contrator that build homes and works with hundreds of other contracors and said that he will no longer use Shaw flooring after he sees what happened to me. SHAME ON YOU SHAW FOR NOT FIXING YOUR FAILED FLOOR LOCKING PROBLEM. I or my cousin will never buy another Shaw product unless this is fixed by compensation or what I prefer which is to lift and reinstall new flooring by anyone of Shaws choice. The cabin next to me installed a cheap laminate flooring from Pergo at 1/2 the price and it has not failed under the same temperatures. I am out $3000 but you are out hundreds of thousands of dollars when contractors will not trust your products since you chose not to do the right thing.***SHAME ON YOU SHAW FOR NOT FIXING YOUR FAILED FLOOR LOCKING PROBLEM. Tim Sommers Mongomery, Pa. 17752 (570-220-8070)...See MoreEngineered Vinyl Plank (EVP) vs. Luxury Vinyl Plank vs Engineered Hard
Comments (24)@V M sorry, just seeing your post above. We are just now finally breaking ground on our home so I don't have pics of the flooring to show you from my house. I will come back and post when I do but that will be some months from now. But we are paying, I think, 15K for our Multi-Length Rigid Core SPC floors in color Sandhill. Our house will be 2975 sf and this floor covering will be throughout the home, except in 3 of the full baths and the utility room. I'm not exactly sure how many square feet that leaves but hopefully you can do some rough math. Everything goes through my builder so I don't have an exact price per square foot to provide you. I also am not sure if this includes labor to install....See MoreRelated Professionals
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