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Overwintered Flowers, What Now?

The following plants were overwintered and I want to make sure that I am properly transitioning the plants now that Spring is here,

Verbena-I cleaned up the ratty leaves and the stems also have a whitish substance.

Gerbera - Plan to unpot, divide and transplant to earth garden. Any tips on getting to bloom more will help. I got good blooms last Spring. Not as much blooming in summer presumably due to heat, but would like to get more Spring and Fall blooms.

Lantana - Is it dead?

Coneflower and Salvia - Plan to unpot and then either put in bed or their own containers. Any tips to get the coneflower blooming will be appreciated. Tips on getting the Salvia blooming will be appreciated as well. The Salvia was meh for most of the growing season but was really lovely in the Fall.

Anise Hyssop and Monarda - Any tips on promoting blooming will help.

Thank you.

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