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Potted Dwarf Meyer Lemon Watering

Maddy Burke
5 years ago

Long time reader first time poster... Thanks everyone who is active here for all of the great information on growing citrus and on potting physics! I have a soil meter and am unsure if I am supposed to water when the top drainage zone is dry or if I should wait until the PWT dries out as well?

Context: I am worried about overwatering my 3year old 4' meyer lemon; I know they are very susceptible to root rot but I also assume that it takes a lot of water to make lemons. My tree went through a huge new growth phase and flowered profusely (I fertilized). But now I have some yellowing in lower leaves and about 30% blossom drop (maybe that's normal, maybe I am overwatering, or maybe it was just too cold still the day I took it outside...?).

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