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Confused about role as Stepmom. What is doing too much and too little?

6 years ago

I'm not sure how to word this correctly, but I was wondering from you all that are stepparents yourselves, to what point to you feel like your maybe doing too much for your spouses' kid etc. Like do you ever get to a point where you may feel/say to your spouse that they need to handle it on their own because you don't feel comfortable or feel like maybe they are pushing a lot of the responsibility on you with your stepchild? I'm really conflicted. I've been with my husband for almost 14 yrs. and when we got together his daughter was 1yr. 1/2. She's known me basically her whole life pretty much. He and her mother split when she was only a few months old. Well, today I went to take my stepdaughter to her gyno appt (Dad had to work). Found out her mother never gave the doctor's office her insurance card (Hubby says he's told her more than once). So we were left with having to pay out of pocket, I had them reschedule her so we could get wiggle room to work this out with her mom. I don't know what he tells her mother, cause I'm not around when it comes to these sorts of things. Part of me wanted to call her mom, but the other part of me is torn and doesn't want me to do everything for my hubby. I don't want it creating a habit where he dodges some of his responsibilities with his child. Therefore, I informed him of what happened and told him he needed to contact her. I'm worried it may fall on deaf ears as it has the last time before he's told her. Where do we go from here if she does not give us her information? I don't want my stepdaughter suffering for it because mom won't cooperate. I feel like her father should grow a pair, but he's trying to stay cool so he doesn't push her mom away, but clearly playing nice isn't even helping with that.

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