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Pole beans wilting, too little water or too much?

7 years ago

I have a few pole bean plants (Kentucky Wonder) that I started indoors and moved outside when they were 6" and were ready to climb. Since moving outside the leaves have often wilted badly towards the end of the day despite soil not being particularly dry.

This is my first time growing pole beans so I don't feel like I really know what I'm doing besides the feeling that I've been guilty of over-watering in the past with my tomatoes.
Soil for these was new potting mix with about 25% compost mixed in. I've been watering 2-4 cups of water per day and the soil does not feel dry but not wet either just under the surface. The location is not ideal as it's south-facing so the plants get late sun from noon to sunset, but it's an urban balcony so it's the best I have. I'm in Boston and temperatures have been 60-80 degrees from night to day the past couple weeks.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

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