how to make my family room open floor plan cozy and put together
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
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Should I open up the wall between my living room and family room?
Comments (33)Ok I am back..... Wow, I just read thro' all the responses and you guys rock !!! I love this forum :))) So far the consensus seems to be to open it up. To answer some of your questions.... oakleyok: The rooms are small. LR is 13 x 18 and FR is 11 x 18. So if we open it up, it will prob. be around 24 x 18 which I think is a nice size....Not too big nor small... bumbledoodle & jan in wisconsin: Thanks for sharing :) I am glad you love the openess....Its very affirming. We currently have a full set of furniture in the LR(Sofa, loveseat, 2 chairs, coffee & end tables). In the FR, we have a loveseat, 3 accent chairs and the TV which is currently on a console. One wall in the FR is dominated by a brick fireplace, similar to the inspiration photo that I linked. So I guess we will have two separate seating areas, even if we open up the rooms. Prob. one will be near the fireplace and another TV watching area.... lynninnewmex, nanny2a & bronwynsmom: Yes, I def. plan to check with an architect if its a load bearing wall or not. I've read (in cote de texas's blog) that if you put in a doorway, it wouldn't cause an issue to the structure as opposed to removing the entire wall. Is this right?? palimpset & pps7: Thanks for letting me know that traditional homes have open architecture...I never knew that. I didn't grow up in this country, so a lot of it is new to me......Now I feel better that I won't be really messing up with the integrity of the house :) Scanmike: Thanks for sharing your pics. You have a beautiful home. I really love your sunroom..I wish I had one and also some new kittens :) susanilz: I think we'll be here for atleast the next 5 yrs...Maybe 10 yrs...I don't have the energy to move anytime soon...So I guess, it makes sense to make it into something functional for us.... vampiressrn: We don't entertain a lot...But def. a few times a year, we have large gatherings for 30+ ppl....Maybe we'll be more prone to entertaining with an open area...I am feeling really pressurized cos we're having a formal gathering of nearly 50 ppl...Its a prayer meeting, so everyone will be sitting together in the same space unlike a party where ppl can move around... Initially, I was considering putting in only a regular doorway (with a french door or pocket door). But after committing to hosting such a large gathering, I am really at a loss on how we're going to accomodate everyone. This was the trigger to everything..... jamaraz: Thanks for sharing your experience...I am scared about the unknowns...Sometimes I think I am opening up a can of worms :) monablair: I am not sure it would work for us. Like I said, the FR has a fireplace and has a very cozy vibe..Maybe I could place some seating around it and have some bookshelves against the adjacent wall to create like a reading/library room (similar to the little reading nook in Somethings gotta give)....I love my books :))) awm: Thats exactly the look I wanted initially. But somehow DH is against the idea of french doors or pocket doors. He wants a more open feel I don't know if I should really listen to him. He doesn't hang out obsessively in design forums like I do, KWIM :)) He's pretty clueless when it comes to design..... How wide do you think that opening is in the pic?? I initially did want doors. But I am not sure how wide the opening would be if we put in doors(like I said, we're trying to accomodate nearly 50 in one space) Also, with french doors, I am thinking if it will hamper the space/furniture placement when we open the door. tomorrowisanotherday: Yes, I really don't want to lose real estate value...I will have to somehow figure this out and make it work.... dlm: Thanks for sharing your pics :) Your french doors are so gorgeous...I don't have any in my home and I really love the look of one :( teaforwendy: We do have a door connecting the FR to the breakfast nook & kitchen. Its not as open as I would like it to be but I don't mind it too much for now...Maybe it could be a project for the future...... kjmama: Yes, we did talk before :) Infact, I searched and pulled up your thread yday to get more ideas. How's the doorway working for you?? Are you done with decorating? Any pics to share :) Please keep the ideas coming...Right now, I am def. leaning twds putting in a doorway...Our "handyman" is coming to take a look tomorrow...But I need to check with an architect about the load bearing aspect of it before we start on anything....Will keep you all updated and will also, try to figure out how to post pics meanwhile..... Thanks once again :)...See MoreHow to make my LR cozy?
Comments (148)Kelly - "That room screams for some bold blacks, more stuff on the walls and tables" Do you just mean different tables? I love black. The paisley on the furniture makes me afraid to put any other pattern with it. I thought the rule was if it's large or smaller and has the same color it can work but nothing seems to look right with it. A poster here that I haven't seen or heard from (hope she's ok) for a long time sent me photos of her neighbor's house. I would love to post a photo of that family room but I promised I wouldn't. They have a huge basket with blankets beside the couch and it looks really good. I love the whole room. All those pictures you posted look cozy to me except the last one. I would have to edit some of the stuff out of them to live there though. Hmm.. The first picture I posted from the book I don't think looks like it has tons of stuff. I wanted to add, I know I said I liked your lamp in the photo I posted but I really like your whole room. Very cozy looking. Alex - LOL Granny-punk. I'm not granny but I'm not punk either. I look and dress what is considered norm. Just so nobody's wondering. ;) That is hilarious though. While I like the pictures Kelly posted they are too full of too much for me. Interesting observation about what we like and what works for us. There has to be a happy medium. Are you who I'm thinking of? Didn't you post a photo of yourself on the conversation side a year or so ago with your DH? If so, I would've never guessed you were 40. I figured we were close to the same age. I bet we'd have a blast! Bronwynsmom............ where are you? :( Did you abort mission? This thread's soon going to kill off....See Morehow can I make my small living room more cozy and stylish?
Comments (9)Can you put the chaise part up against the wall? It would open up the sitting area to the rest of the space. You could also add a rug for some texture and warmth ... the room is probably a bit loud too, with tile floors and empty walls....See MoreMake my large living room cozy! My wife and I are helpless
Comments (25)I agree with several of the Houzzers ideas previously presented that suggested 3, 4 or more spaces within that large room: Here are the suggestions 1. TV viewing area 2. conversation area: one large one with two sofas plus two chairs, and perhaps a second smaller conversation space further away with two comfy chairs and a side table between them 3. music space 4. library (this can also be the smaller conversation space mentioned in 2. above) or a more serious homework space if you place a table there to work on and have plenty of outlets and wifi connectivity cabability area with table (for cards, chess, etc) or pool table or ping pong or whatever is your kind of game 5. a tea cart 6. a wet bar I like the image of a lodge lobby, or the first floor of an old-fashioned dormitory where we did our entertaining because no one was allowed up in the rooms....See MoreRelated Professionals
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