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Am I overthinking this?

6 years ago

Last summer a neighbor at our beachhouse was having a family wedding. They asked to rent our house for the bride's family, but it was at a time that we planned to be there. I didn't particularly want to give up any days there and also I could not imagine charging them (one because we are friends and two because it is very costly and they are clergy). We gave them our 2BA/2BR 3rd floor and use of our grounds for the ceremony. All went went well.

Our neighbor on the other side is now having a wedding this coming summer, and they have also asked to rent our home for the bride's family to stay. These neighbors have dynastic wealth so we wouldn't feel odd charging them. We have a cordial but strained relationship (ironically stemming from a POs use of our home as a de facto wedding factory). I cannot say we have plans yet, but OTOH the time they want is a time I think we usually would all be there (we are there most of the summer outside of travel).

I kind of want to rent it to them, because it might improve relations, which is always nice. I also appreciate that it would be nice for them and their family. OTOH if a stranger asked I would absolutely not consider renting those days (early August). Lastly, the request is almost identical to the our friends' request, and we turned them down. They would know and I am not sure if that would miff them at all.


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