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Darlow's Enigma Seedling?

ratdogheads z5b NH
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Last winter I asked the forum if there was anything "like" Darlow's Enigma, which I grow and love. henry_kuska and roseseek gave me the inspiration to grow some of Darlow's seeds! Well, I've always wanted to try this but had no idea what I was doing, and in the end it seemed like a failure. My potting medium just moldered, nothing sprouted. Rather than give it all up, I stuffed several of the seeds about the garden and forgot about them.

This summer while weeding I found a baby rose! Now, I don't recall if I placed one of my seeds here, and this may be a self sown seedling from either Darlow, or nearby America (the Walsh rambler). Seems like an awful lot of growth for just a few months. I suppose it could be just about anything planted by a bird because I do have other hip producing roses, but the only two nearby hip-producers are Darlow and America. I dug around it and it's definitely not a sucker.

Here's my baby. Time will tell what I have...

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