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Darlow's Enigma in only 3 hrs morning sun?

Hello all, long time reader first time posting :)

I have Darlow's Enigma and am very excited to plant her. Here are my location options: plant her in full sun where she might be most bloomiferous, but I'll only see her when I walk by, OR plant her right where I can look at her all day from my kitchen window but she'd only get 3 hours of morning sun.

I really want to plant her in the spot with 3-4 hours morning sun (bright, direct morning sun then light shade the rest of the day) because it's the best view, but if she'll only perform half-heartedly in such shade then it's probably not worth it to put her there? I wouldn't normally consider this spot for almost any other rose, but I've heard DA can bloom in a good amount of shade.


This is in 10a (Oakland, CA). Also, in my climate will she stay evergreen?


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