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Cleaned out the refrigerators last week - too many pickles

It took several days to clear out the refrigerator in the house, and I started with the refrigerator in the garage, which is just a refrigerator with no freezer compartment, and so it holds a lot. It's never full and is not full now, even after I added a lot of stuff from the house. Now Kevin is having trouble finding things in the house refrigerator.

I threw out everything I could not identify, but I have a lot of things that keep for a long time, such as various types of pickles. However, I did throw out the bread and butter pickles because neither of us like them, as they are too sweet. I bought them by accident and should have thrown them out right after buying them. I won't make that mistake again, but I make most of my pickles now, and I have four jars of recently made cucumber pickles. The last three jars were made using actual pickling cucumbers from the farmers' market, but the one I made before used regular cucumber, which I think are not quite as good, but Kevin likes them.

I have a couple of jars of kimchee that I made with Savoy cabbage instead of Napa, and I really do not like it, but I don't hate it, and so I can't bring myself to throw it away. It is fairly similar to sauerkraut except that it is in large pieces, and so I thought I would try slicing it very thinly and using it like sauerkraut. I think I can add it to soups and sandwiches - any other ideas of what to do with it? I also make two jars of Napa kimchee, but I haven't started eating those yet because I still have kimchee that I bought at the Japanese market that is still good.

I made sure that all cheese is properly vacuum sealed, except for the ones that I will probably use within a week or two.

Now I have to figure out where to store all the empty containers that I ended up with. I recycled all the jars that I did not want, but I'm keeping all the canning jars.

I don't do any canning, and so all the pickles I make have to be stored in the fridge, but most are in the garage right now.

I did not clean out the freezer drawer, but I need to do that because it is difficult to open and close. The freezer in the garage is not full, but I feel less urgency to clean out the freezer drawer than I did for the upper part of the refrigerator.

Does your refrigerator get too full? Do you have too many pickles?

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