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Help set me on the right path with my Ming Aralia

As far as I can figure, I have a ming aralia. I like it very much. It was a lot smaller when I got it in 2009---from my neighbor's home after she passed away. At its peak, it looked lovely and even produced a whole bunch of seeds.

Sadly, now it has been neglected---along with the dracena beside it. But I am more concerned about the ming aralia as it has been losing leaves on and off to the point that it now looks leggy. What I find remarkable about the plant though, is that it tries to grow more leaves and branches anywhere along the stem. Generally I have found that my typical houseplant will lose its lower leaves and retain the top only.

I also started two from cuttings. They did really well at first (and I patted myself on the back for a job well done), but they are now struggling to survive just like their mom.

I had good intentions and was considering repotting. I've been learning about 5:1:1 and the gritty mix. I had hoped to be able to make some gritty mix to pot it into---would that be a good idea? I haven't got the gritty mix prepared nor the right mesh/strainers to get going on it.

What I could do is get some regular potting mix and repot it, but I know this is not really the best time to be doing this (nor the best media). I could probably get together a small amount of gritty mix and plant the two small cuttings into that and see how they like it.

The plant has gotten too tall and is leaning so I have had to tie it to something in order to try to keep it straight. I certainly have made a mess with this plant.

I am hoping to get some advice as to how to return this ming aralia to its full potential. This plant deserves to be happier. Besides looking at sad plants makes me sad!

I far as I've read:

ming aralia don't like wet feet;

like a well draining soil;

bright light;

temperatures above 60 degrees F.

My guess is that the media needs changing. I am not one to generally over water. So I suspect I have under watered and that's why it has lost some leaves. I've never used the skewer test to actually test whether the soil is wet below the surface, but will do this and see whether I am right about the soil actually being dry.

My goal is to have a healthier fuller plant.

Can you help me towards this goal? My current plan:

(1) I think I should do a repot soon (in regular potting soil, peat based) even though I know it is not the ideal time nor the proper kind of potting soil. I think I should put a stake in it then to help hold it from falling over. Then, next summer I can replant it into 5:1:1 or gritty mix (which one?). (I have been using 5:1:1 for the first time this year and have yet to put together the gritty mix.)

(2) I think it might be best to repot the two little ones in gritty mix (which I think I can manage to make) since they are in small pots.

(3) Wondering whether I should do a hardwood cutting and remove one or more of the main stems to propagate next summer OR should I just be pinching the growth (which I have never done).

Any suggestions would be of help to set me on the right path with this lovely plant.

Adding pictures after I see whether this will actually post! (Houzz has made some of my postings disappear!)

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