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Floof post: Getting ready....

5 years ago

For my big Halloween Decorations extravaganza! At work that is, i don't decorate at home for Halloween. If everything goes as planned and no one ticks me off by restricting me, im gonna put everything up on Friday night. I still have to find some orange and black and maybe purple wrapping paper to wrap the file cabinets and fridge with. My catacomb room roll that i use to cover the walls with came in today, and i tested my "Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" DVD on the projector to make sure everything is still working properly. Starting mid-August, people ask me when the decorations are going up. They know that from that day on, this building will be decked out until after Christmas. I do, to a much lesser extent, decorations for Thanksgiving, and then WHAM, i hit you with Christmas! Last year, one of the regular truck drivers who came through here actually came in and helped me cover the walls, which saved me a good 2 hours, bless him. He no longer comes in here though, so unless another good Samaritan comes in this year,i guess i am on my own as usual :) .

There is a downside though. Everyone knows how hard i work to put this stuff up, and how much I enjoy it. Therefore, they have fun, for lack of a better term, screwing with me. It has already started. In years past, other, former coworkers have taken the credit for the decorations. That shouldn't bring out the level of rage in me that it does, but it does. Every year, some of my beloved homemade bottle decorations disappear. The most annoying thing, this year anyway, is from one of the newer, younger coworkers. I don't usually have to work with her, being a loner, night shift minion. However, when i filled in for our boss the other day, i worked alongside her for 8 hours. During that time she informed me that the favorite activity of herself and the others that worked days' last December was to look on the ceiling(at the individually wrapped ceiling tiles) and count the number of times i duplicated the same wrapping paper. (LIES!!!!!!!!! I never duplicate ceiling tile wrapping paper! The very idea!) Today, I came in to find little paper pumpkins taped everywhere. The other coworker informed me that coworker #1 actually took the time to do that because, as she said "It will tick her off giggle giggle." The paper pumpkins were easy and most enjoyable to dispose of. I don't think she is really malicious, she just has an unfortunate, difficult personality. She has the personality and attitude of someone who has been bullied her whole life, and therefore little to no social skills. To her, such things really ARE funny. My boss tends to hide all my noise making things. (seriously, just turn them off if your not into them.)

And then of, course, the treats. I always put out bowls of candy and other snacks(trick or treat size bags of cracker jacks, cheese balls, flipz, rice crispy treats, fruit snacks, etc) for the drivers. Of course the coworkers are welcome to them. But ( I am trying NOT to be catty here) certain coworkers have a....lets say GREED problem. There are only 5 of us that work in this building. No one else fills up the bowls for the drivers except me. Yet, bags and boxes of such treats disappear very quickly. The drivers bought me a piggy bank that looks like a pumpkin pig, a Frankenstein pig, and a monster pig so that they can put money into it to contribute for the treats. (very thoughtful of them to pick pigs that go with my decor) Meanwhile, one day last October, I came in before the cleaning people had a chance to empty the trash cans, and it was a massacre. SO. MANY. WRAPPERS. SO, who comes in here, tells me that they always have handfuls of it on their desks. Again, they are welcome to some treats, but for the love of jack o lantern this is NOT Feed the Children. Ugh. So tacky. There is also that handful of people who come in, root through the GIANT bowl of candy like a rat, and then exclaim "Wheres the GOOD candy?" No one has told me what that is, as i buy pretty much every kind of candy offered. Or, barring those people, there are the charmers that ask me why i don't buy the big rice crispy treats instead of the mini, or the full size candy bars instead of the fun or bite size. Lovely.

Ok, negative thoughts..GONE. Back to being excited. Thanks guys, for letting me gripe.

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