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(OT) Melissa, queen of her garden kingdom

DD has a long history of madly imaginative, well-plotted dreams, and the most recent one was about me and my garden. My garden, much larger than the real one, was a kingdom, and I was its queen; my army was my many gardeners, who went around on horseback equipped with shovels and rakes. I was going to go away for a period and so appointed DD as my vice-reine, explained her duties, and apparently allowed her, to her satisfaction, to order me around during the time before I left. Once I was gone she kept watch, floating (in her dream she could float), from the spot where in waking life we have the bench under the oak whence you have a view of the garden. DD had to put down a revolt: against my instructions the gardeners built a large gazebo in the middle of the garden. DD went down and made them take it apart and carry away the materials.

All in all I think this is an excellent summing up, in dream form, of my garden and the space it occupies in my psyche.

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