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Have you taken a good picture lately? Please share!

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Time for another fun picture topic!

Kitchen Table has a daily picture thread so I thought I do just one, it doesn't have to be daily at all. And the picture doesn't have to be that great either. :)

I'd been neglecting my Four o'Clocks all summer because they grow like weeds. Yesterday I noticed they were drooping and barely flowering so I got busy and soaked them. Last night when I checked on them and they were sitting pretty with a few blooms.

We have two types of White-lined Sphinx Moth's, but I never knew they had pink on them. I see them all the time in the summer and the pictures I've taken were the kind that are mostly brown, which I thought this one was until I enlarged it.

I also had no idea how long their tongues are until I looked at this next picture. I hope you can make the picture bigger to see it. They're so long the moths keep them tucked under their "chin" when not using it.

The tongue is burgundy in color, and it's curled. I brightened the picture so the tongue could be seen.

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