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Tuesday's Flowers

We have several blooming today. I even got out the Nikon to take some serious pictures. (Although some of these were taken by my cell phone camera.)

Gary Lynn's Calliopsis had its first flower open today. It is small and blotchy. We love the shape of the eye on this one.

Buddy's Betsy always blooms early for us.

Sunny Spot has had several flowers open, but this was the first that was halfway photo worthy. This flower is registered at four inches, but I think ours is often smaller than that.

I posted this one before, but this bloom is so lovely, I had to post again. This is Marilyn Monroe.

Gothic Finery was easier to photography today although the eye is blotchy. What I love about this one is the teeth on the sepals and the partial purple edge on the sepals. I would love to see a purple edge all away around the sepal edge.

Now for some seedlings. I have nothing good enough to call the Queen of the Garden today, but any blooms at this time of the year are welcome.

Lava Flow X Eyed Alligator

Rock Solid X Tom Adams

I posted this one the other day, but this flower is nicer. This is Lighter Than Air X Clarification.

It's beginning to get exciting here in west central Indiana. Lots of seedlings have scapes up and in a couple of days, we will begin to see those. Year old seedlings always seem eager to bloom and bloom earlier than the established varieties (in our experience).


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