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Best media mix to pot rooted conifer cuttings.

6 years ago

After searching on Houzz, Using 'bark based conifer mix' for keywords, I either get posts about container gardening or what to use for rooting media. I don't care about that and it makes me think I'm using the wrong ingredient for keyword.

What I'm looking for, is a good recipe with percentages of ingredients, for conifer cuttings that already are rooted and ready to come out of the rooting media and go into a pot to finish up.

I imagine it could be the same as what's used to grow conifers in containers but have no way of knowing that.

I would like to buy the ingredients now, when they are available, instead of waiting until all the suppliers have left for South America or other winter vacation spots around the world. :-)

So please, can someone point me to a post about this or have a recipe?


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