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HELP! Centipede sod (zone8b) looks crappy no matter what I do.

I inherited a bad, weedy, compacted, ugly centipede lawn that I sincerely dislike from the previous home-owners. I have been working on it for years and had it looking pretty good. But, as of last year, I've had new next door neighbors move in who do nothing to their lawn except mow it every once in a while when the homeowners assoc gripes. I am fighting a losing battle now and I'm at my wits end. I've fertilized (although I held off in the spring bc I read it will only fuel lawn disease), de thatched, core aerated (2 years ago) and treated for weeds, bugs and disease. I'm pretty sure I used the wrong products, wrong timing, or the products I used missed whatever critter has been attacking my lawn and doing the most damage. Can anyone tell me what I'm dealing with? I've seen both grubs and mole crickets in the past year. And like I said, I treated for them but I guess what I used wasn't concentrated enough or I didn't time it correctly. I'm pretty sure I also have some type of fungus creeping over from the neighbor's. Please see attached pics. Any help is appreciated.

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